#69 Rude
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by jjulian.

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My IRC nick is: JoeJulian

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket:
I was lurking and found this to be rude again.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: VileGent, TC01

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this feedback:
Treat people with respect. How hard would it have been to say, "Not that we're aware of." He could have even gone straight to the licensing issue and saved a bunch of angst.

Any additional notes or logs:
(06:15:43 PM) arcticOcean: What is the best way to install TeamSpeak on Fedora 15? Thank you.
(06:19:29 PM) arcticOcean: Is there an rpmfusion package for teamspeak?
(06:20:46 PM) VileGent: arcticOcean: you tell us
(06:21:03 PM) arcticOcean: No.
(06:21:08 PM) arcticOcean: I don't see it.
(06:21:32 PM) TC01: A quick Google search finds http://tinyurl.com/3upacob
(06:22:12 PM) arcticOcean: TC01, I know how to install it from the team speak web site.
(06:24:33 PM) VileGent: arcticOcean: so i guess that answers your question then
(06:25:34 PM) arcticOcean: VileGent, Should there be an rpm package for teamspeak?
(06:25:48 PM) VileGent: arcticOcean: ask teamspeak
(06:26:11 PM) arcticOcean: Does rpmfusion ask everyone they make packages for?
(06:26:16 PM) TC01: or http://rpm.pbone.net/
(06:26:59 PM) VileGent: arcticOcean: they have specific license issue they will touch and teamspeak isnt one of them
(06:27:07 PM) VileGent: see rpmfusion.org
Thanks for your feedback!

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