#68 No help, just attitude
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by jjulian.

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My IRC nick is: JoeJulian

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket:
After posting a question in the channel, my question was ignored and the fact that I was testing a rawhide package was attacked, despite the fact that it turned out to be irrelevant.

I found my problem was some 32 bit dri libraries that, apparently, anaconda did not upgrade when I did the DVD upgrade from F14 to F15. The library files existed, but there was no package associated with them.

I was pointed to http://fedorasolved.org/Members/fenris02/post_upgrade_cleanup to "solve my problem". I tried it and it did not. When I tried to find out which of the 12 steps he expected would solve or expose a problem like that, I was ignored.

The entire exchange started out with hostility and has remained hostile.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: fenris02

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this feedback: Like is stated in the notes for creating tickets, act as if you're speaking to your grandmother. Be nice.

Any additional notes or logs:
(10:47:36 PM) JoeJulian: I had an error in a mesa driver, so after seeing that the error's been fixed recently, I installed the rawhide mesa-dri-drivers. The error still comes up and says, "EE r600_shader.c:863 tgsi_unsupported - TXD tgsi opcode unsupported". The thing is, I downloaded the rawhide src rpm and did a rpmbuild prep to look at r600_shader.c. The error should now be coming from line 920. What could cause the older replaced library to be loading?
(10:49:03 PM) fenrus02: rawhide is currently tracking f17.
(10:49:24 PM) fenrus02: you likely do not want that package, and would be better off with whatever version matches your current distrover
(10:49:57 PM) JoeJulian: Uh-huh... now about the fact that it's not loading the library that's actually resident on my hard driver?
(10:50:03 PM) JoeJulian: drive
(10:54:00 PM) fenrus02: self inflicted problem. see /topic for hints.
(10:54:12 PM) JoeJulian: Nope. I found it though.
(10:54:44 PM) JoeJulian: Looks like somewhere along the way an i386 version got orphaned...
(10:55:06 PM) JoeJulian: I'm going to blame anaconda.
(10:55:25 PM) fenrus02: why? anaconda didnt mangle up your f15 install with f17 packages.
(10:55:38 PM) fenrus02: that was caused by you and you alone.
(10:55:43 PM) JoeJulian: No, but it "upgraded" my f14 install to f15.
(10:56:03 PM) JoeJulian: and left f14 x86 dri drivers behind.
(10:56:18 PM) fenrus02: you did not mention that you prefailgraded. here, see http://fedorasolved.org/Members/fenris02/post_upgrade_cleanup
(10:56:54 PM) JoeJulian: You didn't ask. You went straight for the "you don't know anything you idiot" approach.
(10:57:07 PM) JoeJulian: It's about as helpful as #centos.
(10:58:13 PM) fenrus02: your call. the above url will clean your mess for you JoeJulian. you can decide to live with misery for the next few months while you sort it out yourself of course.
(10:59:30 PM) JoeJulian: I just don't understand why people have to jump on people the way you guys do. In #gluster where I help people all the time, we sometimes get people who've done it wrong too, but we don't treat them like garbage.
(10:59:59 PM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, the url above really will fix your issue. your call.
(11:01:40 PM) JoeJulian: I was going through that. The only things on that that I hadn't done are the ones listed as optional. I'm looking at those now.
(11:02:50 PM) JoeJulian: Yeah, wouldn't have helped to have done it again. The files were in /var/lib/dri but there was no package associated with them.
(11:03:06 PM) JoeJulian: (and this is a 64 bit install)
(11:03:17 PM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, your call. you failed to follow it in order, so not my problem.
(11:03:49 PM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, really, it does fix 64bit issues, and even the one you mentioned above. in fact, it fixes all but ~4 issues. none of which you have mentioned.
(11:03:51 PM) JoeJulian: I failed to do that, huh? What are you talking about?
(11:42:48 PM) JoeJulian: fenrus02: I went through that page again... still neither touched /usr/lib/dri/
nor listed it in any of the steps. I'm really not sure how you thought it would since almost every step on there pulls data from the rpm database which would never list those files.
(11:46:15 PM) JoeJulian: btw, my blame against Anaconda is not unfounded. A good friend of mine was quoted as saying, “The favorite whipping boy around here is anaconda. Every slow or failed install is anaconda’s fault. Never mind that someone here wrote it.”
(07:08:28 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, never? you sure about that? hint: You didnt look.
(07:11:49 AM) JoeJulian: Yes, I am sure. I followed the procedure (again) step-by-step just to make sure I wasn't missing something in my state of exhaustion.
(07:12:07 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, you did not look in the right place then. it's there.
(07:12:22 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, specifically, look at mesa-dri-
(07:14:16 AM) JoeJulian: Are we talking about the same thing? I'm referring to your post_upgrade_cleanup procedure.
(07:15:01 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, one and the same. i'm merely referring to your false statement: <JoeJulian> fenrus02: I went through that page again... still neither touched /usr/lib/dri/
nor listed it in any of the steps. I'm really not sure how you thought it would since almost every step on there pulls data from the rpm database which would never list those files.
(07:16:03 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, before you get all high and mighty, you might want to actually look at that set of packages I pointed out. they do put files where you said they did not.
(07:17:57 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, if you insist on pursuing this line of thought, 'fpaste /root/tmp/[A-Z].txt' or wherever you stored your files created in those steps.
(07:20:58 AM) JoeJulian: The i686 rpm was not in the Package table. The files were in /usr/lib/dri/
with no package to validate them against. The closest step to reinstalling them was optional step 3 as mesa-dri-drivers is in base-x, but it didn't install the 32bit when I ran it, just the 64 bit.
(07:21:23 AM) JoeJulian: (well, it didn't "install" the 64 bit because it was already installed.)
(07:22:22 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, if you insist on pursuing this line of thought, 'fpaste /root/tmp/[A-Z]*.txt' or wherever you stored your files created in those steps.
(07:29:13 AM) JoeJulian: http://fpaste.org/0Fcn/ http://fpaste.org/Kixk/ http://fpaste.org/aYMI/
(07:33:48 AM) JoeJulian: You didn't want the raw -Va output, did you?
(07:36:44 AM) fenrus02: depends if you want help.
(07:39:02 AM) JoeJulian: Can you just drop the hostility? The very first thing you did was chastise me without regard to my question. A simple, "yes please" would have been polite, and a simple "yes" would have been sufficient.
(07:39:49 AM) JoeJulian: http://fpaste.org/7kLW/
(07:43:45 AM) JoeJulian: Would you be willing to tell me which of the steps along the way you expected that issue to have been fixed? I've been wondering since you first suggested it.
(07:44:24 AM) JoeJulian: or, if not fixed, at least exposed?
(07:50:29 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, depends which issue you are referring to really. you have several that i can see, but only mentioned one which you resolved last night. yet you continue, so you must have realized at least some others.
(07:53:24 AM) JoeJulian: No, I was just frustrated that you were being so hostile right from the start. Your certainty did make me curious, as I was already aware of who you were (I've followed your guide many times) so I was actually hoping you were right and I could learn something.
(07:56:58 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, dont be rude when asking questions. dont blame others when you caused your own grief. i am not being hostile to you at all.
(08:00:31 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, i will only answer the questions you ask.
(08:00:42 AM) JoeJulian: I posted a question with some background. The question was, "What could cause the older replaced library to be loading?" The answer was, "self inflicted problem. see /topic for hints."
(08:02:35 AM) JoeJulian: But going back to my last question, which I felt was phrased nicely and still offered me the opportunity to learn something, "Would you be willing to tell me which of the steps along the way you expected that issue to have been fixed?"
(08:02:37 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, you installed rawhide graphics fun.
(08:02:50 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, as explained earlier, rawhide is currently tracking f17
(08:03:00 AM) fenrus02: JoeJulian, you are running f15. the two do not mesh well.
(08:03:10 AM) JoeJulian: Which could have caused failure, but not the failure I was asking about.
(08:03:15 AM) fenrus02: heh
(08:03:33 AM) fenrus02: ok JoeJulian - have fun, enjoy.
Thanks for your feedback!

I found out later that "prefailgraded" is channel-speak for using the preupgrade package, which I did not do. I wasn't even aware that preupgrade used anaconda. I did the dvd upgrade.

I also have no idea why expecting polite interaction is considered "entitlement", if that's what was being referred to, but EvilBob had to chime in with:
(04:00:48 PM) EvilBob: JoeJulian: did you come by your entitlement complex through heredity or did you buy it on your own?
(04:01:14 PM) JoeJulian: I don't understand what you're asking.
(04:01:37 PM) EvilBob: Oh wait, never mind you getting it for yourself is just crazy

I've been convinced that this may have been a misunderstanding. I'll abandon this ticket.

Joe, I want to thank you again for taking the time to talk to me about these tickets. I was happy to see you closed them following our discussion. We touched on the in our meeting this week briefly and also discussed them out of band as we say.

-- Bob

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