#2118 Replication Failure: Allocation of a new value for range cn=posix ids
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by jraquino.

Performing a FreeIPA Replica install yields several errors regarding replication failure seemly surrounding GSSAPI.

The most impactful of these problems is that the newly built replica is unable to create new users/groups sighting:

ipa: ERROR: Operations error: Allocation of a new value for range cn=posix ids,cn=distributed numeric assignment plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config failed! Unable to proceed.

To reproduce:
Server1: ipa-server-install --idstart=3000 --idmax=50000
Server1: ipa-replica-prepare server2

server2: ipa-replica-install --setup-ca server2.gpg
server2: ipa user-add test

Additional Tickets to be filed and noted regarding additional errors in the install log

Effected Versions:

Fedora 15 x86_64
FreeIPA 2.1.3
389 ds base 1.2.10-0.5.a5
389 ds base libs 1.2.10-0.5.a5

Master side 389 errors:
[23/Nov/2011:08:37:21 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthdev2.qai.expertcity.com" (authdev2:389): Schema replication update failed: Invalid syntax

Replica side 389 errors:
[23/Nov/2011:08:38:25 -0800] slapd_ldap_sasl_interactive_bind - Error: could not perform interactive bind for id [] mech [GSSAPI]: error -2 (Local error) (SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Credentials cache file '/tmp/krb5cc_498' not found))
[23/Nov/2011:08:38:25 -0800] slapi_ldap_bind - Error: could not perform interactive bind for id [] mech [GSSAPI]: error -2 (Local error)
[23/Nov/2011:08:38:25 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthdev1.qai.expertcity.com" (authdev1:389): Replication bind with GSSAPI auth failed: LDAP error -2 (Local error) (SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information (Credentials cache file '/tmp/krb5cc_498' not found))

While the logs still indicate the same failures, the cli problem itself seems to manifest when delay is present. Locally the errors generate, but the new user creation succeeds. When attempting to replicate from california to las vegas, or any other external location, the cli problem occurs in conjunction with the errors. This along with Rich's findings on kerberos race might explain why this problem has been difficult to reproduce.

Moving to next month iteration.

Fixed upstream in version 1.2.10.a7

Set minimum version to

master: dc5592a

ipa-2-2: c28c763

Metadata Update from @jraquino:
- Issue assigned to rcritten
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 2.2 Core Effort - 2012/02

7 years ago

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