#2120 Schema replication update failed: Invalid syntax
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by jraquino.

FreeIPA Replica install is generating the following suggesting syntax errors:

[17/Nov/2011:13:37:34 -0800] ipapwd_getPolicy - [file ipapwd_common.c, line 468]: Couldn't find policy, err (32)
[17/Nov/2011:13:37:38 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthstage1.las.expertcity.com" (authstage1:389): Schema replication update failed: Invalid syntax

[17/Nov/2011:13:37:59 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthstage1.las.expertcity.com" (authstage1:389): Replication bind with SIMPLE auth resumed
[17/Nov/2011:13:37:59 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthstage1.las.expertcity.com" (authstage1:389): Schema replication update failed: Invalid syntax
[17/Nov/2011:13:37:59 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthstage1.las.expertcity.com" (authstage1:389): Warning: unable to replicate schema: rc=1
[17/Nov/2011:13:38:02 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthstage1.las.expertcity.com" (authstage1:389): Schema replication update failed: Invalid syntax
[17/Nov/2011:13:38:02 -0800] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=meToauthstage1.las.expertcity.com" (authstage1:389): Warning: unable to replicate schema: rc=1

Moving to next month iteration.

Fixed in 389-ds ticket https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/278

Fixed in version 389-ds-base-1.2.10-0.10.rc1

Metadata Update from @jraquino:
- Issue assigned to rcritten
- Issue set to the milestone: FreeIPA 2.2 Core Effort - 2012/02

7 years ago

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