#826 SSSD IPA provider should implement GSS-TSIG natively
Closed: Invalid None Opened 13 years ago by sgallagh.

Currently, SSSD forks a request to the {{{nsupdate}}} executable to perform dynamic DNS updates on a DNS-enabled IPA server. This was done at the time because it was quick and the protocol for GSS-TSIG is fairly complex.

However, it is very difficult to debug issues with dynamic DNS update when using {{{nsupdate}}} since it has no logging. In the long-term, it would be much better for SSSD to reimplement the GSS-TSIG protocol and provide its own logging.

Fields changed

milestone: NEEDS_TRIAGE => SSSD Deferred

Fields changed

rhbz: => 0

Since nsupdate provides logging these days, I would argue we shouldn't implement DNS code ourselves.

blockedby: =>
blocking: =>
changelog: =>
design: =>
design_review: => 0
feature_milestone: =>
fedora_test_page: =>
mark: => 0
patch: => 0
review: => 1
selected: =>
sensitive: => 0

Fields changed

resolution: => wontfix
status: new => closed

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD Patches welcome

7 years ago

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