#320 SSSDConfig: Changing bool values and saving them are parsed incorrectly
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by sgallagh.

From Tomas Mraz:

If I do:

domain = cfg.get_domain('a')
domain.set_option('opt', 'value')

I'd expect that:

dom2 = cfg.get_domain('a')
dom2.get_option('opt') == 'value'

But unfortunately this is not true, the old value is still set in the


Actually this problem is slightly different - it happens only for bool
values when changing from True to False and it is probably caused by
wrong parsing of the bool values from the text data.

So hopefully it should be easy to fix.

Fields changed

status: new => assigned

Fixed by 16287c8

Marking "Tests Updated", as this fix includes in-tree regression tests for this bug.

fixedin: => 1.0.0
resolution: => fixed
status: assigned => closed
testsupdated: 0 => 1

Fields changed

rhbz: => 0

Metadata Update from @sgallagh:
- Issue assigned to sgallagh
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD 1.0

7 years ago

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