#1878 The communication between the PAM responder and the DP should follow the tevent_req style
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by jhrozek.

As ticket #1869 showed we would benefit from changing the DP requests sent from the PAM responder to be allocated on the responder context (with timeouts to avoid growing the requests too much) and just notifying the clients requests.

This refactor should be done in a similar fashion to how we changed the NSS->DP communication or even reuse the very same code.

Fields changed

milestone: NEEDS_TRIAGE => SSSD 1.11 beta
rhbz: => 0

Fields changed

mark: => 0

Currently we can't refactor the PAM responder because there are no tests. Refactoring should only be done when needed, maybe some changes will be needed in the scope of the PAM responder prompting work.

changelog: =>
milestone: SSSD 1.13 beta => SSSD 1.13 backlog
priority: major => minor

Mass-moving tickets not planned for the next two releases.

Please reply with a comment if you disagree about the move..

milestone: SSSD 1.13 backlog => SSSD 1.15 beta

This was done by Pavel recently.

resolution: => fixed
sensitive: => 0
status: new => closed

Metadata Update from @jhrozek:
- Issue set to the milestone: SSSD Future releases (no date set yet)

7 years ago

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- https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/issues/2920

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