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Grant Gainey edited this page Dec 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

Managing Configuration Files

This section details managing configuration files in the spacewal web

interface. Configuration files can be managed on both a per system configuration level and a central configuration channel level. Per system configuration files always override central channel configuration files, keep that in mind when deploying configuration files. Additionally, a system may be subscribed to more than one centrally managed configuration channels. When this is the case, the administrator should ensure that proper channel hierarchy is maintained. Channels with lower number rank have higher priority than channels with a higher number rank, ie Rank 1 files take priority over Rank 2 files.

Systems Configuration Management

This section covers managing files on a particular system. It assumes that

you have selected a system to manage files on by logging in to spacewalk, choosing Systems from the top menu bar, selecting a particular system to manage, then choosing Configuration located next to Software.

This view shows how many files are configured for this system and actions available. Additionally it shows recent configuration events relevant to this system such as deploying files or comparing files.

System Configuration Channels

To view what configuration channels the system is subscribed to choose

Manage Configuration Channels. This view lists what channels the system is subscribed to along with the rank and the number of deployable files. You can add channels by choosing Subscribe to Channels and then selecting which channels you want to add to the system. Once you click Continue you will be taken to the View/Modify Rankings screen to order the priority of the configuration channels. Your channels will not be saved until you choose Update Channel Rankings.

To remove a configuration channel from the system, check the checkbox next to the configuration channel(s) you want to remove and then click Unsubscribe. This action does not require confirmation so make sure you double check your selection before clicking Unsubscribe.

Choosing View/Modify Files allows you to view the configuration overview for the system. It lists the files that are centrally managed on the system and whether there are any system specific files that override a centrally managed file.

Centrally Managed Configuration Channels

  1. To create a centrally managed configuration channel, log in as a spacewalk administrator and select the Configuration tab from the top menu bar.

  2. Select Configuration Channels

  • You will be presented with a list of the current Centrally Managed Configuration Channels.
  • From this screen you can create new config channel or view information about the previously configured channels.

Creating a Centrally Managed Configuration Channel

  • Choose create new config channel and then fill in a Name, Label, and Description.

Managing a Central Configuration Channel

Choosing a configuration channel on the Configuration Channels listing page takes you to the Overview page for the configuration channel. This page shows the basic information about the channel and various actions that are available such as deploying the configurationt files or comparing files or creating new files.

To see what files are in a configuration channel, choose the {{{List/Remove Files}}} link from the header. This view shows you the files that are contained in the configuration channel along with their revision and when they were last modified. Choosing [[View]] next to a file takes you to the file details page which lists the information about the file and the contents (if it is not a directory or binary file). From this page you may modify the properties of the file such as the ownership or file permissions. If you make any modifications to the file such as modifying the contents or the permissions, you must click on Update Configuration File or your changes will be discarded.

If you would like to upload a new version of the configuration file you may use the Upload New Revision of File section and upload the file from your computer. Be sure to click on Upload File after you have selected the file to upload by clicking on Browse....

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