#960 final freeze exception request (cluster)
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by fabbione.

Package n-v-r: cluster-2_99_12-1_fc10
Description: new upstream release to fix several security issues discovered after running a code audit. Details of the issues can be found here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=469338
Rationale: would be nice to ship with it. Tho it can go in as part of updates. It will spare the troubles of issuing a security update later on.
Impact: the upstream source is sensible to several symlinks attack by default. It doesn't lead to privilege escalation but a normal user could easily make a DoS on the system.
Testing: we did run the usual test suite before releasing from upstream. Install/remove rpm, run, form a cluster, etc. Verified one by one that all the security changes did not introduce regressions or behaviour changes.


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