#879 Request for approval
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by twoerner.


This package contains lots translation updates for as, de, fi, fr, he, hi, ko, hu, it, ja, ko, ml, pl, pt_BR, ru, sk, sr, sr@latin, sv, ta, te, zh_CN, zh_TW and also bug fixes for rhbz#462325, rhbz#467696 and rhbz#467334.

I had to wait with building the package because of string and translation fixes, which are very important. Please have a look at the email thread in trans-list.

If the package will not make it into the final release, then there are lots of missing translations altogether with problems making it not usable.

The package has been tested completely.

Metadata Update from @twoerner:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 10 Final

7 years ago

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