#6349 dist tag for SELinuxProject packages
Closed: Invalid None Opened 8 years ago by plautrba.


I'd like to push SELinuxProject Release 2016-01-07 to Rawhide. It's available in my COPR repository - https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/plautrba/selinux/ - now.

There are 8 packages which needs to be updated and they need to be built in a given order - libsepol, libselinux, setools, libsemanage, policycoreutils, checkpolicy, secilc, selinux-policy .

I don't want to cause problems with unsatisfied dependencies and broken SELinux tools in Rawhide so I'd like to do it in a side tag. Could you please prepare a tag for me?

Metadata Update from @plautrba:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 24 Alpha

7 years ago

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