#6228 Pkg missing from f23 base repo: php-Pimple
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by siwinski.

The php-Pimple package is missing from the Fedora 23 base repo. It has been causing broken dependencies of the owncloud pkg for many days.

The https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/php-pimple-3.0.1-1.fc23 update has to go stable, and additionally we have to not be in alpha freeze.

We should be leaving alpha freeze soon, but that update will have to be pushed to stable before it appears in the base repo.

The question I have though is why php-Pimple (capital "P") is not in the base Fedora 23 repo when it should be. It has been a part of Fedora for a while. php-pimple (lowercase "p") is a new package that does obsolete php-Pimple (well, the php-pimple-lib does the obsoleting) but it will be an update after the mentioned update gets pushed to stable. php-Pimple is obsoleted in the current rawhide (i.e. f24) but should be part of the base Fedora 23 repo.

php-Pimple: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/php-Pimple/
php-pimple: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/php-pimple/

koji list-history --package=php-Pimple --tag=f23
Wed Feb 11 03:59:19 2015 php-Pimple-1.1.1-2.fc21 tagged into f23 by ausil [still active]
Fri Mar 6 17:03:43 2015 php-Pimple-3.0.0-1.fc23 tagged into f23 by adamwill [still active]
Fri Jun 19 10:42:01 2015 php-Pimple-3.0.0-2.fc23 tagged into f23 by ausil [still active]
Wed Aug 5 00:20:50 2015 package list entry created: php-Pimple in f23 by masher [still active]
seems we have a bug in the blocking process. it was blocked in f23 on Aug 5th when it should have only been blocked in f24

Can this ticket be re-opened and the php-Pimple pkg added to the base Fedora 23 repo?

Well, now that php-pimple (lowercase) is in the base repo, why do we need php-Pimple? Not sure what I am missing there...

That's fine. Hopefully the issue described in comment #3 will be looked into so this doesn't happen in the future when there is no update taking a pkg's place?

Can I retire php-Pimple in f23 since it is not in the repo?

Metadata Update from @siwinski:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 23 Alpha

7 years ago

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