#6074 2 Packages missing from mirrors
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by limb.

eclipse-egit-3.5.3-1.fc21 is missing, due to eclipse-egit-3.5.2-1.fc21 being pushed at the same time. Retagged.

eclipse-egit is there, but now python-nmap-0.3.4-2.fc21 is missing, retagged.

phpMyAdmin-4.3.5-1.fc21 are now both missing, retagged both.

All present, but python-nmap is misnamed python3-%{srcname}-0.3.4-2.fc21.noarch.rpm, Filed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1179708

Metadata Update from @limb:
- Issue assigned to limb
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 21 Final

7 years ago

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