#6057 Delete stale update openstack-glance-2013.1.4-1.fc19
Closed: Invalid None Opened 9 years ago by adamwill.

[https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2013-19963/openstack-glance-2013.1.4-1.fc19 openstack-glance-2013.1.4-1.fc19] is still lying in u-t, but later update [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2013-19997/openstack-glance-2013.1.4-2.fc19 openstack-glance-2013.1.4-2.fc19] was pushed to stable already. Can you delete it? Thanks.

Replying to [ticket:6057 adamwill]:

[https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2013-19963/openstack-glance-2013.1.4-1.fc19 openstack-glance-2013.1.4-1.fc19] is still lying in u-t, but later update [https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2013-19997/openstack-glance-2013.1.4-2.fc19 openstack-glance-2013.1.4-2.fc19] was pushed to stable already. Can you delete it? Thanks.

koji errors if I unpush the first update and it seems the build is already untagged (maybe this is the reason), however I guess since F19 is going to be EOL soon it is not worth spending much time on it. If it is important, please re-open.

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