#6053 Please block scap-security-guide package for EPEL-6 branch from being pushed to the mirrors
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by jlieskov.

Hello folks,

starting from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Update 6 the scap-security-guide package has been included into Red Hat Enterprise Linux directly: [[BR]]
[1] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/6.6_Release_Notes/bh-chap-security.html

therefore the former EPEL-6 scap-security-guide branch should be marked as obsoleted.

According to the guide: [[BR]]
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_remove_a_package_at_end_of_life [[BR]]
[3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/GuidelinesAndPolicies#Policy_for_Conflicting_Packages [[BR]]

I have already:
* marked the package as 'dead.package' in cGit EPEL-6 branch: [[BR]]
[4] http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/scap-security-guide.git/commit/?h=el6 [[BR]]
and updated the pgkDB to list EPEL-6 branch for scap-security-guide as retired:[[BR]]
[5] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/scap-security-guide/

The last item that remains to be done yet according to [3] is to file the Fedora rel-eng ticket against koji component to block the EPEL-6 branch from being pushed to the mirrors.

So could you please mark the EPEL-6 branch for scap-security-guide package in your notes as blocked from future koji mirror pushes?

Thank you && Regards, Jan. [[BR]]
-- [[BR]]
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Technologies Team [[BR]]

Thank you, this should be fixed.

Replying to [comment:1 till]:

Thank you, this should be fixed.

Yes, looks it's fixed already:[[BR]]
$ koji list-pkgs --show-blocked --tag dist-6E-epel --package scap-security-guide
Package Tag Extra Arches Owner

scap-security-guide dist-6E-epel jlieskov [BLOCKED]

Thanks a lot!


Metadata Update from @jlieskov:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 21 Final

7 years ago

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