#5862 broken nss-softokn builds on i686 after update to the build machines
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by emaldonado.

From an email I sent to the list:

I believe the nss-softokn build failures on i686 are caused by a recent update to the build machines. nss-3.15.5 doesn't have any significant changes. In fact I tried a scratch build of the prevoius succeccesfull build of nss-softokn-3.15.4-3.fc21 done on Sun, 26 Jan 2014 it will now fails. See

This is my analysis so far:
we see: -----
cd Linux3.12_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ ;
sh "/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/."/sign.sh "/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/../../../dist/Linux3.12_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ" \
"/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/Linux3.12_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ" Linux \
"/usr/lib " "/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/../../../dist/Linux3.12_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ/lib/libsoftokn3.so"
/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/./sign.sh: line 36: cd: /usr/lib : No such file or directory <--- discussing with rdieter but doesn't seem to be the cause
/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/Linux3.12_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ/shlibsign -v -i /builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/../../../dist/Linux3.12_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ/lib/libsoftokn3.so
/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign/./sign.sh: line 13: 17175 Floating point exception"${2}"/shlibsign -v -i "${5}"
^^^^^^^^^^ - doesn't make sense but see below

make[2]: *** [../../../dist/Linux3.12_x86_glibc_PTH_OPT.OBJ/lib/libsoftokn3.chk] Error 136
make[2]: Leaving directory `/builddir/build/BUILD/nss-softokn-3.15.5/nss/cmd/shlibsign'

This is running shlibsign tool to sign the shared library. It's doing a DSA signature operation. There is no floating point at all. I mentioned this to Bob, here copied, and he tells me with mmx the same registers are used for integer and floating point operations.
Some registers ar aliases to existimg floating point registers.

Could it also be that though the host machine may have the hardware support the the version of Linux used by RHEL-6 does not have the support? We once had an analogous problem last year when we were working on RHEL-6.5 that Bob was able to diagnose. In that case we impelemted a workaround. This time is different. The signing of the shared libraries is failing.

By the way, I have added to the spec file lines to print cpu info. On http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/3716/6563716/build.log
there is such information. This CPU INFO is for the virtual machine. We need information about what changed in the host. Before and after, the hardware, the version of RHEL-6 being used, did virtualialization changed. That's information that I can't collect myself.

This is blocking any builds of nss-softoken as they will fail on i686 and for all fedora branches not just Rawhide. Even previously succesful builds, done before the update, now fail when I reissue them.

builders are all fedora 20,

Thanks, we can then rule out rhel issues.

Here is another piece of information that I hope will help.
This build
Host arm02-builder19.arm.fedoraproject.org

completed okay.

I then tried to repeat it with a scratch build (no changes)
Host arm02-builder19.arm.fedoraproject.org
^^^ same host, and this one failed!

Never mind I built from the wrong branch the second time around.

I was able to do a regular koji build of nss-softokn for f20. It seems to be a Rawhide only problem.

I the builds rebased nss-softokn, and nss-uti, to 3.15.5 just like in Rawhide. Aside from the spec files for f20 lacking little endian support for arm - which desn't matter as this an i686 issue, they are like the ones for master.

Good news, I finally figured out the cause by searching through recent bugs fixed upstream and some not so old emails. The update to the koji build system exposed a latent bug in an nss Makefile. For details see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=972450. I brought the upstream patch to fedora Rawhide and it fixes the issue. I want to thank Stephan Bergmann for providing the patch upstream and alerting me to it.

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