#4980 Please remove the nss-util and nss 3.13.3 rpms fom f16 updates-testing repo
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by emaldonado.

The nss-util-3.13.1-1.cf16 and nss-3.13.3-1.fc16 builds that where sent to updates-testing for f16 have caused multiple problems. The request got enough negative karma that is now pushed back but the rpms remain in the updates-testing repo and may cause further problems. It will take me a day of two to determine the real cause of the problems and come with the proper fix. If possible, please remove the resulting rpms from the f16 updates-testing repositoryIt's okay to leave the nspr 4.89 related ones there.

The packages would be: nss-util-3.13.1-1 rpms + subpackages and debuginfo rpms and nss-3.13.3-1 rpms + subpackages and debuginfo rpms

Thanks in advance for any help, -- Elio

I should get cleaned up in the next updates push, though I'm having trouble finding the referenced update in bodhi... (did you delete it?)

Fwiw, if you did delete it, I'd recommend not doing that next time, at least not before a newer/fixed update is ready to take its place.

Yes, I deleted Update ID: FEDORA-2011-15612 then realized it was a stupid thing to do.

For one we lose the history of comments as well as the ability having a subsequent one override it. Why do we have the delete functionality at all? At least restrict it to the infrastructure folks only.

good questions (whose sentiments I generally agree with), but not something I have answers for.

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