#4954 f17-mono koji target
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by chkr.

In order to implement the approved changes to the mono stack ( https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Mono#File_Locations ), we have to fix and rebuild all mono-based packages (around 65). This will take a couple of weeks.
Please create a specific build target to avoid breakage in rawhide during that time.

while i think that this should be done without a side target ive created one for you. its f17-mono please let us know when your done with it.

ping, status update on this target please

Replying to [comment:2 ausil]:

ping, status update on this target please

Nearly all necessary packages are updated and built for f17-mono. Since the following 3 packages are not mono-only and in much more wide-spread (at least avahi), I wrote the respective maintainers to get their approval:
- avahi
- ice
- gmime
My plan is to update these packages latest this Thursday so the packages built against f17-mono could be re-tagged to f17 at the end of this week and the build target could be delete then, too.

2 question regarding merging back the f17-mono packages:

  1. Is there any option to test for missing dependencies in advance?

  2. Since the multi-arch character is lost for the mono packages, a couple of mono i686 -devel packages must be blocked from being pulled into the x86_64 repo. Would you rather get this fixed before re-tagging the packages or could this be done shortly after (if you want to get rid of the build target soon)?

All packages are built now and so they can be merged back to f17. Any chance to check for missing deps in advance (see my previous comment)?

merged in will land in rawhide tonight.

we really dont ahve a way to do a repoclosure.

ive removed the f17-mono target

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