#4884 Fix bodhi buildroot overrides
Closed: Invalid None Opened 12 years ago by jussilehtola.

My octave-3.4.2-2.fc15 and octave-3.4.2-2.fc16 buildroot overrides were automatically removed by Bodhi on Aug 12, when the update candidates were tagged into updates-testing. This should only happen when the packages hit updates-released.

The bodhi web interface still showed the overrides as active, since they were supposed to expire on Aug 31. They weren't in place, however, since octave-specfun-1.0.9-3.fc1{5,6} and octave-struct-1.0.9-4.fc1{5,6} built against the stable version, octave-3.4.0-8.fc16.x86_64.

I tried to remove the override and re-add them again, but the web interface gives me the error

Error: buildroot override for u'octave-3.4.2-2.fc15' already exists

Could you find out the problem and tag octave-3.4.2-2.fc15 and octave-3.4.2-2.fc16 in the buildroots?

Okay, now it seems I got this to work. I found the override in the "expired" section, and now the builds seem to be on their way back to the buildroot.

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