#4826 buildroot overrides for bouncycastle-tsp-1.46-1.el6
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by s4504kr.

I need a buildroot overrides for bouncycastle-tsp-1.46-1.el6 to dist-6E-epel, because I'm only maintain the EPEL branch and bodhi generate an error message when I try it for myself.

tagged, let us know when we can untag.

tagged, let us know when we can untag.

Do you still need this override?

Do you still need this override?

untagging this since its had plenty of time to have things built against it and pushed out

untagging this since its had plenty of time to have things built against it and pushed out

Metadata Update from @s4504kr:
- Issue assigned to ausil

7 years ago

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