#4825 Can't request a BR override in the bodhi form
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by cassmodiah.

I need a buildroot override to rebuild the i3 desktop packages against newest (now: 4.03 before: 3.80) libev.
Mathieu Bridon aka bochecha needs this update too, to import new packages to el6 (perl-EV, maybe some more)

I can't do this with the BR override form in bodhi. It denied my request with the Errormsg: "Error: You do not have commit privileges to libev".
The form can't recognise Robert Scheck and me as a valid user. Robert is a proven packager and I'm the maintainer of libev in epel6.

Tagged in. Please let us know when you no longer need it.

Bodhi requires you to have commit to the rawhide branch, which is a bug/issue that will hopefully be fixed soon.

in stable, untagging

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