#4226 389-admin build on EPEL5 pulling wrong version of 389-ds-base-selinux-devel
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by rmeggins.


It is pulling this version:
389-ds-base-selinux-devel i386 1.2.6-0.1.a1.el5 build 15 k
but the latest stable version is
This causes the build to fail.
Other platforms seem to work ok - it is just epel5 that is failing.
A local mock build works fine - it pulls the latest

you had 389-ds-base-1.2.6-0.1.a1.el5 tagged into the buildroot override tag, i have untagged it

Thanks. I assumed that once a package with a later version was pushed to Stable, it would override the buildroot override. Now I know better and will request my buildroot overrides to be removed once the package is pushed to Stable.

I just tried to build again and it failed again - how long until the new buildroot without the override is available?

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