#4137 Buildroot override request for mingw32-glib2-2.25.17-1.fc14 (and later: mingw32-gdk-pixbuf-2.22.0-1.fc14)
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by epienbro.


Could somebody please be so kind to add the package mingw32-glib2-2.25.17-1.fc14 to the F14 buildroot override? It's required to build the latest mingw32-gdk-pixbuf (http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=196633) and mingw32-gtk2 (http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=196632) packages.

When the mingw32-glib2 package has been added to the buildroot I can build the mingw32-gdk-pixbuf package. However, the mingw32-gtk2 package depends on the latest build of the mingw32-gdk-pixbuf package, so the mingw32-gdk-pixbuf package needs to be added to the buildroot as well as soon as it's built.

Thanks in advance!

Tagged, let me know when the mingw32-gdk-pixbuf build is done and I can tag it too.

The mingw32-gdk-pixbuf-2.22.0-1.fc14 build has been completed successfully. Could you please tag it as well?

Replying to [comment:2 epienbro]:

mingw32-gdk-pixbuf-2.22.0-1.fc14 tagged as well, give it about 15 min for the repo to regenerate. Let me know when you are finished so I can remove both from the buildroot.

Thanks for the tags. Apparently, the package mingw32-filesystem-61-1.fc14 needs to be tagged as well before mingw32-gtk2 can be built.. Could you please tag that one too?

mingw32-filesystem-61-1.fc14 tagged as well.

The build of mingw32-gtk2 has completed successfully. The override tags can be dropped now as all the packages are ready to be pushed to updates-testing. Thanks again for your help

All builds untagged from overrides. Closing ticket.

Metadata Update from @epienbro:
- Issue assigned to npetrov

7 years ago

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