#3725 Include Pino 0.2.8 in Fedora 13 base repo
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by sundaram.


Fedora 13 has Pino as the default micro blogging client (identi.ca/twitter support) and the latest update fixes many many bugs that has been reported by abrt in Fedora.


Although not a blocker or release critical thing, desktop users would benefit from a more stable client out of the box.

We already spun the DVD media, and as such any changes would require a slip. Therefore we won't be pulling this in.

My understanding is that the release has slipped and I would request to reconsider pulling it in now. As far as testing is concerned, I have been running the latest updated version 24/7 for the last several days with very regular use and many of the frequently occurring crashes have been fixed in this update. Thanks.

Pino has been tagged for RC3.

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