#3512 Buildroot override: libyahoo2-0.7.7-1.20100314svn for EPEL
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by rayvd.

This relates to this bz:

Which requires that I build freehoo against the new version of libyahoo2.

Build Tag Built by

libyahoo2-0.7.7-1.20100314svn.el5 dist-5E-epel-testing-candidate rayvd
libyahoo2-0.7.7-1.20100314svn.el4 dist-4E-epel-testing-candidate rayvd

I would like to get the above builds tagged to their respective buildroots so I can build freehoo against them.


Tagged. Please let us know when you no longer need the tag.

Kevin, per till I may have done my ver-release incorrectly. See [https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/3513 this] ticket for my Fedora buildroot override.

(Don't do these "pre" releases often enough). I'll probably correct this today and re-request this if you want to pull the tag you just pushed.

Sorry about the hassle.

Ah, right.

untagged for now. Let me know when the new packages are ready and we will tag them in.

Ok, got this fixed:


Sorry about the confusion.

Build completed. Thanks.

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