#3283 unable to build dogtag-pki-tps-ui in epel due error: The <tar> type doesn't support the nested "zipfileset" element.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by kwright.

Here's the error:

/builddir/build/BUILD/dogtag-pki-tps-ui-1.3.0/build.xml:160: The <tar> type doesn't support the nested "zipfileset" element.

from: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=1932988

this works fine in fc11, fc12, and fc13.

It's likely a difference between the fedora and rhel ant versions, but I have no idea what.

1.7.1-12.fc12 vs 1.6.5-2jpp.2

I'm not sure there is anything we can do here, you will need to make your package work with the version in RHEL.

So what would it take to get the correct version of ant built in epel? I'd build it myself but I don't think I have the privs to build that in koji.

ant comes from RHEL. we cant upate or change it. looking into this it seems to be because ant is using gcj not openjdk. we will have to look into some way to make sure the correct java is used. gjc does not support the features your trying to use.

Fixed build with a patch to build.xml

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