#2781 Local project Makefile has typo - common/ not updated.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by jkratoch.

The common/ content is currently not being automatically updated leading to some problem with stale tagging if one forgets to do {{{cd ../common; cvs update}}} by hand.

The Makefile file will have to be updated for each of the Fedora projects to find a way out of it now.

Patch applicable for {binutils,gdb}/devel/

Well, this is a somewhat known problem, and my idea of working on it is working toward A) not using CVS, and B) not having to deal with a common/ directory to trundle around.

This only really seems to cause problems around branch time, so we have some time yet before that will happen...

The typo in the import/setup script that causes this has been fixed, and I've fixed a few packages. Committing across 9300 packages x however-many branches is on hold until avert F-12, due to the sheer magnitude of it.

Metadata Update from @jkratoch:
- Issue assigned to notting

7 years ago

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