#2766 requesr for moving system-config-language-1.3.3-3.fc12 to dist-f12
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by pravins.

* The koji build nvr (name-version-release)


* A description of what you want to change

    removed firstboot support from system-config-language, as it was giving error

* Rationale for why the change is important enough to be allowed in after the final freeze.

    F12 Blocker bug 530320, depends on this bug 530698

* Impact of *not* accepting the development at this point of the schedule.

    firstboot ERROR: Module language does not contain a class named moduleClass:


* Information on what testing you've already done on the development to help reduce the risk.

    self testing after modifying package, just removed first boot support

Metadata Update from @pravins:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 12 Final

7 years ago

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