#2597 F12-Beta-x86_64-Live-CHECKSUM file says that the checksum is SHA1 instead of SHA256
Closed: Duplicate None Opened 14 years ago by ceski.

The content of the file F12-Beta-x86_64-Live-CHECKSUM starts with

Hash: SHA1

a03cde18f52d767b7542274294556da1d9a70c1e702a6664da78fe805ea865fa F12-Beta-x86_64-Live.iso

However, this is a SHA256 hash. In fact, the last line above is the output of {{{sha256sum F12-Beta-x86_64-Live.iso}}}.

I do not know which component to file this against. I apologize for that.

The HASH listed there is the hash for the gpg signature. Not for the checksum of the iso.

The iso checksum, is, in fact sha256.

We're still working on getting the signing server to sign clear text in sha256, so that the user has a bit more clue what's going on. Our docs do say its sha256 though.

Metadata Update from @ceski:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 12 Final
- Issue tagged with: checksum, sha1, sha256

7 years ago

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