#2346 tag gpxe-0.9.7-6 for F-12
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by mdomsch.

is a blocking dependency on F12Blocker. This is resolved in 0.9.7-6.

* Mon Oct 5 2009 Matt Domsch mdomsch@fedoraproject.org - 0.9.7-6
- move rtl8029 from -roms to -roms-qemu for qemu ne2k_pci NIC (BZ 526776)

Please tag into F12.

The dep tree looks like:

526776  [ASSIGNED - medium - matt_domsch@dell.com - --- -] Add rtl8209 to gpxe-roms-qemu   [See dependency tree for bug 526776]

*    526777 [MODIFIED - medium - markmc@redhat.com - --- -] Guest PXE booting doesn't work when using ne2k_pci NIC model [See dependency tree for bug 526777]
      o    498968 [NEW - medium - markmc@redhat.com - --- -] Fedora 12 Virtualization Target Blocker [See dependency tree for bug 498968]
            +    473303 [ASSIGNED - medium - notting@redhat.com - --- - Tracking] Fedora 12 Blocker [See dependency tree for bug 473303]

The actual package CVS tag is gpxe-0_9_7-6_fc12.

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