#2252 Beta freeze exception for fcoe-utils
Closed: Fixed None Opened 14 years ago by jzeleny.

I'd like to ask for an exception from beta freeze for fcoe-utils-1.0.8-5.fc12. This version updates upstream tarball. When I first packaged fcoe-utils 1.0.8, the upstream made a mistake and placed a wrong tag in git repo. They found out later that the tag is wrong and moved it to the right place. If current version is left instead of this new one, fcoe-utils will contain a bunch of functions, which are fully implemented in user space, but not supported by F-12 kernel, therefore their usage will lead to undefined behaviour. This updated package removes such parts of code (corrected upstream tarball). All testing has been done by very active upstream before retagging their git tree.

Metadata Update from @jzeleny:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 12 Beta

7 years ago

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