#1546 Please tag dmraid-1.0.0.rc15-7.fc11 for F-11 final inclusion
Closed: Fixed None Opened 15 years ago by jwrdegoede.


dmraid-1.0.0.rc15-7.fc11 contains a patch which fixes activation of
intel fakeraid sets using disks with a serial longer then 16 bytes

Without this patch F-11 cannot be installed up on machines
using intel fakeraid on such disks.

So can you please tag dmraid-1.0.0.rc15-7.fc11 for F-11 final
inclusion ?




But, how risky are the changes here?

The patch has been reviewed by another anaconda team member, and it has been tested by both the reporter on his machine with both disks with long and normal serial numbers, and also tested by me on my own machine with disks with normal serial numbers, and its a pretty straight forward
patch. So I think it is safe, otherwise I wouldn't ask for F-11 inclusion, as the amount of
disks with normal serials is much much bigger then those with these special long serials.

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