#1387 Refresh kernel for beta release
Closed: Duplicate None Opened 15 years ago by josef.


Btrfs has a problem where it will easily pop the stack on x86 boxes with 4k stacks. Since we ship with 4k stacks this makes it impossible for people to use btrfs on x86, so basically anybody who wants to use it on a netbook. I committed patches to fix this problem to the kernel yesterday, and its been built in version


If that could be pulled into the Beta release that would make btrfs usable for anybody trying to use x86. This patch was tested thoroughly over several days before I pulled it into Fedora, so it is stable, and the problem was reported by Linus, who needs this patch in order to keep using btrfs on his netbook. Thanks,


This was already tagged in #1383

Metadata Update from @josef:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 11 Beta

7 years ago

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