#1012 update fel ks for F-10 branch
Closed: Invalid None Opened 15 years ago by chitlesh.

Hello there,

I have updated the fedora-livedvd-electronic-lab.ks, which was broken for F10-final. The new fedora-livedvd-electronic-lab.ks is in the master branch.

Can anyone replace the fedora-livedvd-electronic-lab.ks on the F-10 branch with the fedora-livedvd-electronic-lab.ks on master, please ?


This ticket should be logged against spin-kickstarts, including the commit(s) you want to see pulled into the F-10 branch.


This ticket should be logged against spin-kickstarts, including the commit(s) you want to see pulled into the F-10 branch.


Metadata Update from @chitlesh:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 10 Final

7 years ago

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