#2457 Misleading Logging for HSM
Closed: Fixed None Opened 7 years ago by gkapoor.

Logs are bit confusing when it says "deleteCert Exception=java.io.IOException:
The certificate with the same nickname: NHSM6000:ocspSigningCert cert-NHSM-Test
CA has been found on HSM. "

<debug log snip>
1450 [17/Aug/2016:06:17:45][http-bio-22443-exec-3]: ConfigurationUtils:
findCertificate: The certificate with the same nickname:
NHSM6000:ocspSigningCert cert-NHSM-Test CA has been found on HSM. Please remove
it before proceeding.
1451 [17/Aug/2016:06:17:45][http-bio-22443-exec-3]: handleCerts(): deleteCert
Exception=java.io.IOException: The certificate with the same nickname:
NHSM6000:ocspSigningCert cert-NHSM-Test CA has been found on HSM. Please remove
it before proceeding.
1452 [17/Aug/2016:06:17:45][http-bio-22443-exec-3]: handleCerts(): Failed to
import user certificate.org.mozilla.jss.crypto.TokenException:
PK11_ImportDERCertForKey Unable to import certificate to its token: (-8054) You
are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer/serial as an existing
cert, but      that is not the same cert.
</debug log sinp>

What my observation is certs are not removed we just create a new cert with
different keyid. So why we are saying deleting certs in logs

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Install a HSM and refer https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1289323

Actual results:

It gives an impression that it delete NHSM6000:ocspSigningCert cert-NHSM-Test
CA has been found on HSM

Expected results:

Logging should be more user friendly and should say what it does

Fixed in master:

  • 48090b00c3727c95ecd77b52272bd7596b3ff09b

Metadata Update from @gkapoor:
- Issue set to the milestone: 10.4.0

7 years ago

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