#81 Positive Feedback (KolonelPanic)
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by tux21b.

This feedback is:
[*] Positive
[ ] Negative
[ ] Neutral

My IRC nick is: tux21b

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket:

I had some troubles with missing packages after the upgrade to F16 (namely
gnome-contacts, gnome-documents, ...) using preupgrade and !KolonelPanic send
me this extremely useful link (1) to clean-up after the upgrade.

1: http://fedoraunity.org/Members/fenris02/post_upgrade_cleanup

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction:


Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this

Any additional notes or logs:

I am visiting #fedora occasional whenever I have a problem with the
distribution (most of the time after upgrading, so about 2 times a year) and as
far as I remember all my questions in the past years have been answered
immediately in a pleasant way.

Big kudos to fenrus02 for that great document, I know it gets linked to a lot and is very helpful post-upgrade no matter what method was used.

Reviewing my log here you were very clear to your problem that helped a helper help you resolve it. Not all users, I hate that term we are all users, are as willing or able to be clear on a problem. They also at times argue about the solution even if it's a common one, then they file negative tickets.

Thank you for the positive feedback about fenrus02's page and the help you got.

-- Bob

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