#74 ask.fedoraproject.org in the channel topic
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by sundaram.

http://ask.fedoraproject.org was launched recently and I would like #fedora channel topic to provide a link to it just to raise visibility for say up until a month after Fedora 16 release if not permanently. It would be useful to document answers for some of the typical questions that get bought up in the channel and a more permanent place to look them up could reduce the support burden. Also would be useful to highlight the common bugs or unique problems that come up from time to time.

There is already a community site that does this and most of the people helping are posting on fedorasolved.org. I really do not see the need to recreate the wheel in this instance by thatis my opinion

Askbot is interesting tech, and I hope it works.

The /topic on #fedora is already too long imho, so I guess there are 2 issues for me:

1) I see no reason why ask.fp.o should not be in the topic, in fact I think its a good idea. Also, I note that the OP has been very active on #fedora, and would likely be around to look at any issues,etc
2) The /topic length needs fixing again. We touch on this ever few months, as it grows - and generally we come up with a decent solution to getting it back down a bit.


Although I think its a good idea to have ask.fp.o in the topic, in my experience the topic is close to useless as folks don't really read it ;-(

Maybe there is some other way we can support this particular project? Dunno

</2 cents>

The obvious difference from fedorasolved.org is that ask.fp.o is for question and answer forum where one can post questions and get support and discuss issues while fedorasolved.org seems more suitable for static longer length articles. If you want to shorten the length of the topic, consider using a url shortener like ur1.ca. I don't know how many people pay any attention to the topic but I think the people who come to IRC for help is the kind of audience I would like to see benefiting from ask. I have explained in more detail at https://mether.wordpress.com/2011/07/16/the-case-for-ask-fedora/.

I have spend my time in #fedora for several years and I think there is a support burnout problem where some regulars spend quite sometime helping out and troubleshooting tedious issues but that valuable knowledge gets lost or the expertise is not accessible via search engines later on or other ways the Fedora community would look for help. My goal on setting up this infrastructure for Fedora is in part to alleviate this issue.

Agreed at the weekly meeting, It will appear in the topic soon

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