#66 not very respectfull
Closed: Invalid None Opened 12 years ago by kristianpaul.

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My IRC nick is: kristianpaul

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket:

I felt uncortable after asking for a few links, i'm aware google exits, but it doest mean human interaction is forbidden after that. I admit i go angry i just had different thoughts about fedora comunity kidness.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction:

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this feedback:

I dont see more that just try remenber be more polite no matter how uncomfortable situation is (also for me).

Any additional notes or logs:

12:47 < KolonelPanic> I'm not like everyone else, some of them will spoon feed you all day long and change your diapers when you are done.
12:47 < adamk> How does mkinitrd determine what kernel modules to include?
12:47 < KolonelPanic> I refuse
12:48 < dcr226> adamk, its dracut now. man dracut has a detailed breakdown of the module directories, and including/excluding them
12:48 < kristianpaul> KolonelPanic: pleese be respecftull i'm not offeding anybody here
12:48 < adamk> dcr226, Thanks, I'll take a look. For some reason, it's not including any kernel modules here.
12:48 -!- muneeb [~muneeb@unaffiliated/n1xnc0d3] has joined #fedora
12:48 < dcr226> adamk, lsinitrd is handy
12:49 < KolonelPanic> Your attitude is offensive to me
12:49 < kristianpaul> i tought fedora was goign to be more friendly but defitelly i'm on my own..
12:49 < dcr226> (if you want to confirm something didn't get included)
12:49 < kristianpaul> KolonelPanic: same from you, sorry
12:49 < KolonelPanic> I am disgusted by your entitlement complex and laziness
12:49 < kristianpaul> Thats not my problem is yours now :)
12:50 -!- muneeb [~muneeb@unaffiliated/n1xnc0d3] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded]
12:51 < KolonelPanic> NOw go read the bug, then use google to find a howto to build the installable packages from the srpm

Thanks for your feedback!

Upon reviewing the complete posted log both parties were equally at fault. Your partial log did not tell the full story, it obscured your behavior that lead up to the portion you posted.

The ticket was filed over a week after the encounter this is a bit troubling to me personally. In the future please file tickets promptly so they are fresher in peoples minds. An active op determined at the time of the encounter that no action was needed.

Marking the ticket closed, comes down to a s/he said s/he said situation.

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