#50 Silenced and insulted within minutes for a polite disagreement.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 12 years ago by erodgers.

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Incomplete tickets may be dropped.

This feedback is:
[ ] Positive
[X] Negative
[ ] Neutral

My IRC nick is: erodgers

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket:

Below find the transcript.

Joined IRC for the first time with the honest intent to help and play nice. I rubbed a regular the wrong way and was quieted.

A newbie user was having great difficulty with a basic task, and was put down for trying to do "sudo su". I attempted to explain why this was a valid method in the README containing the instruction, and was put down as spreading false and wrong info.

I did escalate the issue a bit because I was flustered by the harsh treatment, and I am sorry for that.

I'm only here because I feel it is a big mistake to IMMEDIATELY attack a new contributor. I know for a fact that I spread no false information as I was accused of, and this is all a big misunderstanding.

The user with the driver issue was quite green and wearing on all of us a bit, so I understand the animosity toward him, unpleasant as it was.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: zeitgeist

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this feedback:

I'd simply like to make it known that people reaching out to help others with Fedora need a bit more patience than I received.

Any additional notes or logs:

<smithxi> dcr226: can you just tell me how to make the package from the command line if it's on the desktop?
<zeitgeist> smithxi·: su -
yum install kernel-devel
cd ~/Desktop/realtek-package
su -
make install; depmod -ae; reboot
<smithxi> i can't cd as root
<zeitgeist> can't can't can't
<dcr226> failed to type "exit"
<zeitgeist> i see you saying "i can't" quite a lot..
<smithxi> make package-name said nothing to do
<erodgers> After make; su -, need to cd back to user desktop.
<smithxi> nothing to be done for...
<zeitgeist> i suggest you copy what i just typed out to a text file, i won't be typing it again.
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<zeitgeist> every command i gave you above should be given from the ~/Desktop/realtek (or whatever this folder is) folder. to determine what dir/folder you're in use: pwd
the print working directory (pwd) command tells you where you are
<smithxi> i'm in the directory
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<smithxi> i try to make the package as user and it won't let me
<dcr226> smithxi, yum install @development-tools
smithxi, also hint slow down and read stuff
<zeitgeist> smithxi·: it's a tar file, untar it first
<smithxi> oh crap, that's what i forgot
<zeitgeist> you don't "make the package" . you untar it and make the files within it
<smithxi> how do I untar
<dmlloyd> Add/Remove software seems to be stuck in a "Waiting in Queue" state. Is there some process or lock file I should look for to fix it?
<zeitgeist> read the tar manpage or use file-roller
i.e. just click on it
<erodgers> tar -zxvf <file>
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<dcr226> dmlloyd, how long have you been waiting?
<dmlloyd> a day or so :)
<dcr226> yuck
<dmlloyd> I've been doing yum on the command line in the meantime
<smithxi> thank you
<zeitgeist> haha
<dmlloyd> but now I want to use the gui to install some games for these guys
<zeitgeist> dmlloyd·: yum should always be engaged on the command line
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<dmlloyd> gotta have tuxracer!
<zeitgeist> use yumex
<dcr226> dmlloyd, I don't use add/remove (since about F7 I think), but I'd be tempted to just use yum from now on
or yumex, yeah
<dmlloyd> yumex, hm sounds fun
I'll try it
I wonder if I can uninstall add/remove then
<dcr226> just ignore it, thats what I do
<dmlloyd> if I leave stuff around they're just gonna use it
<zeitgeist> yumex is a far more robust gui, but should only be used during multiple package installs
<dmlloyd> I would if it were for me
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<zeitgeist> you should always use yum from the command line, much easier to get help if something goes wrong
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<dmlloyd> yeah I prefer yum when I know exactly what package I want to add or remove
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<dcr226> dmlloyd, well, there is always yum search
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<dmlloyd> yeah that's good but sometimes you want to browse by category
I don't think search does category, does it?
<dcr226> I guess not
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<zeitgeist> if you're creative with your query it can do pretty much whatever you want
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<erodgers> yum info is good, but I agree, I like having a categorized list.
<dcr226> I'm a big fan of yum, I spent some time last month digging around inside it - very complete imho
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<dcr226> hence the reason fedbot now knows how to yum
@rversion 14 x32 tuxracer
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<fedbot> dcr226: sorry, I was unable to locate that package. To use this plugin, you must be specific with package names
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<smithxi> okay I did it properly, but i still don't see a wireless option in the tray icon
<dcr226> ok, so fedbot doesn't know how to yum :-)
<smithxi> dcr226: you still here?
<dcr226> smithxi, lspci -k | fpaste
<nirik> sure it does, there's just no package named that. ;)
@rversion 14 x32 extremetuxracer
<fedbot> nirik: extremetuxracer-0.4-3.fc12.i686 Fedora 14 - i386|size 26MB|Date Fri Jul 24 12:00:00 2009
nirik: extremetuxracer-0.4-5.fc14.i686 Fedora 14 - i386 - Updates|size 26MB|Date Mon Nov 15 12:00:00 2010
<smithxi> dcr226: http://fpaste.org/Pa92/
<dcr226> nirik, ok so its actually me that doesn't know how to yum ;-)
smithxi, the module still isn't loaded. did you make install and depmod?
<zeitgeist> smithxi·: after you build and install the driver as per my instructions, you have to reboot
<smithxi> i did not depmod
<zeitgeist> critical: <zeitgeist> make install; depmod -ae; reboot
not too good at details..
<smithxi> thank you
<fedbot> Please visit our trac instance at https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ and file a feedback ticket telling us about your experience in #fedora. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
--- Klainn is now known as Klainn-away
<smithxi> that wasn't in the tutorial
<-- smithxi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<zeitgeist> yea, i didn't type that out to you 23 minutes ago or anything
zeitgeist often hallucinates
<Southern_Gentlem> time to switch out the IV
--> Asuryan (~vally@p5DDB7BE1.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #fedora
<zeitgeist> more #fedora-mkultra experiments?
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<smithxi> okay it is done, but I do not see any wireless options in the popup dialogue
<dcr226> smithxi, does lspci -k report your module yet?
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<smithxi> http://fpaste.org/CMLg/
how can I tell if it's reported?
<dcr226> read your own fpaste
<smithxi> but what indicated it?
<dcr226> the bit that says "Kernel driver in use:"
dcr226 nods
<smithxi> kernel driver in use: atllc
so it is in use?
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<zeitgeist> no
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<zeitgeist> after all the clumsy behavior, i'd guess you didn't do it correctly
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<zeitgeist> for you, i'd suggest installing F15
<erodgers> 2nd
<smithxi> the only error displayed was something about needs -E not -e
<zeitgeist> the driver is built in to the kernel, i don't think you have the aptitude to manually install wireless drivers
<smithxi> zeitgeist: can I just upgrade to it?
<zeitgeist> no
it really drains the room when a 5 minute job turns into hours
<smithxi> would -AE fix it instead of -ae?
<dcr226> no
reading would fix it
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<zeitgeist> also reading the README that comes with the official realtek package
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<smithxi> i can't sudo su
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dcr226 goes for the litmus test...
<dcr226> smithxi, modprobe -l | grep 8192 | fpaste
<smithxi> errors on line 995 and 97
<zeitgeist> uh, sudo and su are 2 different things
completely unrelated
nowhere did i (or anyone else) tell you to "sudo su"
<smithxi> well the directions say "sudo su"
<zeitgeist> then they are written by someone who understands neither
<smithxi> dcr226: http://fpaste.org/nWUZ/
<erodgers> I do it all the time. It's written for a machine with no root password.
<zeitgeist> you do it all the time, so that makes it right because you do something you don't understand?
<dcr226> sudo su makes no sense at all
<smithxi> how do you reboot into the latest kernel?
dcr226: how do you reboot into the latest kernel?
<erodgers> I'm just saying, if you have no root password, sudo su - does the trick. amy people work this way, including apparently the author of the RT README.
<zeitgeist> it's WRONG.
<erodgers> k.
<zeitgeist> read the manpage for each,
<N3LRX> if you are updated your machine will automatically boot to the latest kernel on next reboot unless you choose otherwise.
<dcr226> +1, pointless
<zeitgeist> it doesn't make any sense
<erodgers> 15 works that way by default.
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<dcr226> no it doesn't
<smithxi> 15 has the drivers I need?
<dcr226> 15 has sudo enabled by default
<zeitgeist> good god.
<erodgers> Click "Admin user" on install for your regular user.
<zeitgeist> dcr226·: have fun with these chuckleheads
<dcr226> and you optionally get added to %wheel if you click "admin user"
zeitgeist, I'm outta here - Tea calling :-)
zeitgeist high 5's dcr226
<erodgers> Yes. No biggie. Just saying.
<zeitgeist> just saying "you're wrong"
<erodgers> Not really, but OK.
<EvilBob-Vote4Me> Tea? Is that what you are calling her this week instead of $HOTDATE dcr226?
<smithxi> will drivers eventually just be released?
<dcr226> LOL
<zeitgeist> you can take our advice and LEARN, or you can continue on with false info
<dcr226> EvilBob-Vote4Me, she tidied the house today....scary
<erodgers> Would you like to hear from me why I'm not wrong?
<zeitgeist> no, because you are.
<smithxi> zeitgeist: what do I need to do?
<erodgers> There you go.
<zeitgeist> smithxi·: go install f15, or windows
<smithxi> f15 will simply have the drivers?
<zeitgeist> yes
<smithxi> where can I download it?
<zeitgeist> as i've said at least 3 times now
<EvilBob-Vote4Me> F15 will be released on next Tuesday
<erodgers> It went gold yesterday.
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<zeitgeist> erodgers·: end your trolling nonsense
<EvilBob-Vote4Me> the final release candidate is basically the same and available at http://serverbeach1.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/15.RC3/Fedora/
<erodgers> Sorry, looks like we got off on the wrong foot.
<zeitgeist> you have only given out false or incorrect information
<erodgers> Harsh, and wrong.
<smithxi> EvilBob-Vote4Me: will there be a cd version?
will wireless drivers ever just be released for 14?
<dcr226> erodgers, you should perhaps read the manpage for both sudo and su
<EvilBob-Vote4Me> smithxi: Apparently not
<erodgers> <-RHCE, 15 years sysadmin.
<EvilBob-Vote4Me> smithxi: I can not comment on the drivers question
<smithxi> such bs
<zeitgeist> erodgers·: bs.
<Southern_Gentlem> erodgers, take my advise and drop it, and go take a break
<dcr226> smithxi, doubtful, they are a part of newer kernels. which I doubt will end up on f14
<erodgers> Want my number?
<EvilBob-Vote4Me> erodgers: zip it back up, no one wants to take part in your contest
<Southern_Gentlem> erodgers, second warning
<erodgers> 805010794254612
<Southern_Gentlem> @quiet erodgers
--- fedbot sets mode +q #fedora erodgers!
fedbot sets mode -q #fedora erodgers!
<fedbot> erodgers, You have been quieted in this channel temporarily. Please read http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Channel_FAQ and consider changing your approach and/or the behavior that is disrupting the channel. If you feel this action was in error, please file a ticket at https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/
<fedbot> Please visit our trac instance at https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ and file a feedback ticket telling us about your experience in #fedora. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
dcr226 hrms
<smithxi> well thanks for the help guys, i'll try 15
<-- smithxi (~mesof@adsl-68-248-226-125.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net) has left #fedora
<EvilBob-Vote4Me> smithxi: Best of luck
--- fedbot sets mode +q #fedora erodgers!@
<fedbot> erodgers, You have been quieted in this channel temporarily. Please read http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Channel_FAQ and consider changing your approach and/or the behavior that is disrupting the channel. If you feel this action was in error, please file a ticket at https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/
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<jpuellma> that guy's not really being disruptive in my scrollback; looks like he just doesn't think there's any problem with someone wantign to sudo su

Thanks for your feedback!

I'm not sure about the insulting part, but I can comment on the "silenced" part.

This was, in fact an error or sorts.

Southern_Gentleman intended to fire a "quiet" command at you, with a 0 timeout, as a warning-shot of sorts.

I wrote the "quiet" plugin for fedbot, and when I saw this; I figured the plugin had failed, and set about figuring out what had happened...as a result, I first quietened myself in another channel, and then fired off the correct "quiet" command to silence you in the channel for 15 minutes...as it turned out, this was not SG's intention, so my (best intentions because I thought the plugin had failed) actually resulted in a 15 minute silence in the channel.....sorry about that :-)

However.. I don't think you were insulted, but the temperature in the channel was indeed escalating..I suggested that you might want to read the manpages for both of the commands, so as not to continue the discussion further - sadly, by this point it was reaching a boiling point.

I hope you don't consider the "silence" to be an attack, as the OP who initially fired the command was not going to silence you for 15 minutes, that was a mistake on my part...perhaps now is a good time for an "unquiet" plugin :-)

I've read through the transcript several times now. (I'm quite obsessed!)

The quieting issue is understood, thanks dcr226.

Granted, the insulting was partly my own perception of the response, but:

Being told to listen and LEARN
Wrong, wrong, wrong
*After providing some credentials, being accused of "BS"

All to a total stranger, mind you, is a tad insulting, especially when at no time did I personally insult him.

He rudely dismissed my requests to clear the air and explain my statements.

All the more infuriating is that nothing I said was untrue.

*Fedora RC3 did in fact get "gold" status last night, I saw the fedora-meeting transcript. I was merely encouraging the new user to follow zeitgeist's advice to install 15, by suggesting that 15 is ready for prime time.

*"sudo su" as written in the module compile instructions is not wrong, stupid, ignorant, etc. It is a quite sensible way of doing things, which is why OSX, ubuntu, Windows, and many others lock the admin password, and assign sudo privs to the "installing" user. Locking out the root password is slightly more secure, especially in a server environment, where I am used to working. I found it refreshing when I saw the "Admin user" check box in F15 installer, to allow the installing user to run super-user commands without the root password.

I really hate that my first taste into contributing to fedora support was so rapidly met with such arrogant pig-headedness. (Yes, now I am insulting him :)

I'm sorry for wasting so much of everyone's time here, and I truly appreciate this opportunity to try to "clear my good name", so to speak, in this feedback ticket.

I would gladly work this out privately with zeitgeist, but he does not allow private chat requests. (understandable)

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