#47 Unnecessary abruptness amidst general helpfulness.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 13 years ago by chibapet.

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My IRC nick is: ChibaPet

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket:

fenrus02 was being mildly rude, which came as a surprise given the generally friendly nature of the channel. I was asked to leave feedback.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction:

fenrus02 primarily

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this feedback:

Participants could perhaps not be told to go away. I asked a general question that applied to Fedora, and I believe the question and answer to both be on-topic. "I installed a package this way. It was an error. What are my options for cleaning it up?"

Any additional notes or logs:

Ah, wow, the angry little fellow managed to silence me in the channel. He became abusive when I offered an answer to a user who was wondering about encryption during install. He went on a tear about how I was wrong and shouldn't talk. And then I was silenced. What a horrible experience.

I'd suggest getting rid of fenrus02. He's quite rude and his behaviour suggests mental illness.

Here's a log:

(04:10:54 PM) ChibaPet: Babalau, I'm guessing here that it's offering to turn on LVM encryption.
(04:11:04 PM) AstralStorm: fenrus02, yeah right, nothing stands out
(04:11:06 PM) ChibaPet: Oh, he left.
(04:11:18 PM) fenrus02: AstralStorm, then it's not in any of your configured repos.
(04:11:36 PM) AstralStorm: so it's not in the main repo at all. weird
(04:11:36 PM) AstralStorm: which repo should I add then?
(04:11:44 PM) fenrus02: ChibaPet, dont give out bad / misleading advice. you cannot "turn on" that at all.
(04:11:51 PM) talisein: uckelman, http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/gconf-9.html.en
(04:12:12 PM) ChibaPet: Fenrus, that's neither bad nor misleading at all. Perhaps you need to learn about LVM?
(04:12:14 PM) AstralStorm: or is there some tool that makes finding external repositories easier?
(04:12:18 PM) talisein: uckelman, what i would do is make 2 launcher apps on your toolbar that you click that would switch the font
(04:12:28 PM) uckelman: talisein: Aha, yes.
(04:12:29 PM) fenrus02: ChibaPet, perhaps you should do the same. how long have you been using it exactly?
(04:12:38 PM) fenrus02: ChibaPet, when precisely did you enable crypto in lvm?
(04:12:53 PM) fenrus02: ChibaPet, in the middle of your storage of actual data or was it really prior to that event?
(04:13:15 PM) ChibaPet: Use Google, fenrus03.
(04:13:27 PM) ChibaPet: He was talking about an installer.
(04:13:29 PM) fenrus02: ChibaPet, flat out, you are wrong chia
(04:13:48 PM) fenrus02: ChibaPet, the installer is not the same as installing kde post install
(04:13:49 PM) uckelman: talisein: Is this a common problem? I thought it would be handled by the screens having a different DPI.
(04:14:27 PM) fenrus02: ChibaPet, i am quite familiar with how the installer works as well. feel free to ask actual questions that an end user may have. for other questions, there are other channels.
(04:14:29 PM) ChibaPet: Fenrus, I'm sorry about whatever is making you act this way, and I hope it gets better. If you want, I can try to find some resources for you.
(04:14:29 PM) talisein: uckelman, I'm not qualified to answer that. But when I put my laptop in a dock I only need to change the resolution, not the font
(04:15:05 PM) WebDragon: fenrus02 happens to be a long-term member here, ChibaPet, just FYI
(04:15:16 PM) mode (+q ChibaPet!@) by fedbot
(04:15:17 PM) fedbot: ChibaPet, You have been quieted in this channel temporarily. Please read http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Channel_FAQ and consider changing your approach and/or the behavior that is disrupting the channel. If you feel this action was in error, please file a ticket at https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/
(04:15:40 PM) uckelman: talisein: Thanks for your help. I'll try adding launchers for font-size switching.
(04:16:01 PM) fenrus02: hush now ChibaPet enough trolling. come back when you have an actual end-user question about fedora. see /topic for details

So, this was my first experience with #fedora, and probably my last if you allow people like this to take their anger out on people.

Ah, thought I'd marked this as negative. It is indeed negative feedback.

I will review your ticket, It is worth noting that I do not appreciate lies and threats so you are starting a leg down in my book. If you wish to revise your ticket now would be the time to do so.

So, this was my first experience with #fedora ...

First time on #fedora? Really?

Why do I see this?

$ grep -c ChibaPet */#fedora.txt

Seems you were mighty chatty two months ago as well.

Shall we review how you have a habit of being rude and abusive, or would you like to correct your earlier statements before someone has to pull out actual logs?

Replying to [comment:4 bjensen]:

Not fixed, insufficient explanation of the ridiculous rudeness I experienced in-channel. I'm curious about your description of older logs showing conversation from me. I'll have to go dig around and check.

Certainly dig out logs if you like, however, and save me some work. Please explain your bizarro keyword assignment while you're at it.

From what I can see from the tickets here, I'm not the only person to whom fenrus02 has been rude. I'd suggest banning him, lest your reputation be smirched by a bad egg.

I'd also like to have an explanation of "threats" as used in the keyword field. That seems awfully close to a legal term, and there are other legal terms like "libel" and "slander" that are tied to it.

Closing ticket. No action required, although an awareness of trends in op behaviour would benefit the channel.

Replying to [comment:6 chibapet]:

I'd also like to have an explanation of "threats" as used in the keyword field. That seems awfully close to a legal term, and there are other legal terms like "libel" and "slander" that are tied to it.

"So, this was my first experience with #fedora, and probably my last if you allow people like this to take their anger out on people. "

This sounds a lot like a child at the play ground saying "I'm not going to be your friend if I don't get to win." or "I'm taking my ball and going home!"

Threatening to leave does not work, sorry.

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