#41 Unjustified aggressive behavior from channel Ops
Closed: Invalid None Opened 13 years ago by jeffl.

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My IRC nick is: al`

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket: unjustified ban

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: see log below.

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this feedback:

Any additional notes or logs:

Excerpt from when I was muted:

01:30 < al> ping 01:30 -!- #fedora Cannot send to channel 01:30 < mutk> Someone been shakin the nut tree? 01:31 < fenris02> al, do not bother sending private-sex-messages to uninvited folks. they just think you are rude.
01:33 < fenris02> mutk, i am still convinced it is something in the water.
01:33 < al> fenris02: ? 01:33 -!- #fedora Cannot send to channel 01:34 < LinuxCode> mutk, theres a drought, nuts are falling off by themselves 01:34 < fenris02> al, No, really. I WILL NOT HAVE SEX WITH YOU. Knock it off.
01:34 < N3LRX> lol +g ftw
01:35 < fenris02> N3LRX, basically.
01:35 < fenris02> N3LRX, he's not literate enough to read the return message he has been sent what, 5-6 times now?
01:35 -!- jnettlet [~jnettlet@S010600240142f8d3.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
01:36 < al> ? 01:36 -!- #fedora Cannot send to channel 01:36 * [R] gets all sad 01:36 < LinuxCode> speaking of literate 01:36 < [R]> al: doesnt want to sex0r me up...
01:36 @fedbot Please visit our trac instance at https://fedorahosted.org/irc-support-sig/ and file a feedback ticket telling us about your experience in #fedora. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
01:36 * LinuxCode checks on publication date
01:37 < fenris02> LinuxCode, are you about to crush my hopes of it actually shipping soon?
01:37 < N3LRX> /msg /dev/null
01:37 < LinuxCode> more than likely
01:37 < [R]> woohoo
01:37 < [R]> hes trying to sex0r me up
01:37 -!- mode/#fedora [+o fenris02] by ChanServ
01:37 -!- mode/#fedora [+b $a:al] by fenris02 01:37 -!- jnettlet [~jnettlet@S010600240142f8d3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #fedora 01:38 -!- al was kicked from #fedora by fenris02 [al`]

I originally came on #fedora to get some technical information. After having been insulted from being a "script kiddie", I was asked unjustified information irrelevant to my problem. Then I got muted and finally kick-baned. I never had a chance to explain myself, or even be told what justified the ban.

Thanks for your feedback!

as a final note, I do not appreciate, nor tolerate sexual remarks made when I was silenced and tried to understand what was going wrong.

Marking as "fixnotexpected", as I do not expect integrity, nor the slightest degree of objectivity from the Fedora' Community's pezzonovante.

You decided to open this can of worms upon yourself, so let me recount the ways you have been rude, abusive, name calling, lying, ban-evasion, belligerent, and refused assistance before you opened this ticket.

Easiest log to locate first: -ops, 00:55:28.

<al<code>> hi <al> can I please be told why I got banned from #fedora ?
<EvilBob> You were gagged For being belligerent
<EvilBob> when you started sending uninvited PMs you were banned
<EvilBob> Your incomplete ticket does not include the log of your interaction with the channel before the mute
<al<code>> because I no longer have it <EvilBob> I would suggest you include it <al> I do not keep the log of everywhere I go, at least, no longer
<EvilBob> it's one of those "Pics or it didn't happen" cases
<al<code>> actually, I sent PMs because I could not understand what was happening <al> and about being belligerent
<al<code>> I was given a solution to my problem requiring root access, which I do not have on the machine I am on <EvilBob> You did not understand that you were being belligerent and not providing information needed to help you properly <al> the information requested was not relevant to the problem
<al<code>> which is something nobody understood <EvilBob> Honestly your "problem" does not sound relevant to Fedora <al> and I was not willing to disclose all my system information on the internet
<al<code>> you mean "creating a filesystem from a directory" ? <EvilBob> Yeah well get help from your distribution then <EvilBob> have a wonderful day <al> it sure is not fedora specific, but I am using fedora
<al<code>> so I naturally went on #fedora <EvilBob> sure... what ever <EvilBob> fpaste --sysinfo <EvilBob> lets see it <al> the farest I'm willing to go is $(uname -a): #1 SMP Mon Feb 7 07:06:44 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
<EvilBob> dead issue, ask your sysadmin for help
<EvilBob> You don't have root, you will not provide information to us
<EvilBob> not our problem then
<EvilBob> Best of luck to you, have a great day
<al<code>> hum, I think we misunderstood ourself <EvilBob> Please move along <EvilBob> this is not a channel to hang out in <EvilBob> "I was given a solution to my problem requiring root access, which I do not have on the machine I am on" <EvilBob> I understand that perfectly fine <EvilBob> Best of luck to you, have a great day <EvilBob> Please move along <EvilBob> this is not a channel to hang out in <al> very friendly people in the fedora community
<EvilBob> We do our best, thank you
<al<code>> then you miserably failed ;) <al> have fun

Log ends at 01:22:10.

Does this sound like you were actually polite, honest and willing to listen? To me, it looks like things were explained well enough, but I shall detail farther.

You no longer have the log really? This ticket was opened by yourself, containing the very logs you proclaimed not to have.

At 00:16:05, al` joined and asked a very basic question which was answered by three different people. You refused to acknowledge any of those answers and proceeded to insist there was another method, but were unable to explain why any of the above would fail to work for you. No, not all of them required root access. None of them actually, but that is another matter entirely.

At 00:20:52, you were asked three times for your uname -a output, or fpaste --sysinfo output. You refused to comply, instead replying with a glib:

Apr 06 00:24:03 <al`> too bad for you then

At this point, you were silenced for 15mins.

Unable to contain yourself, you private messaged and harassed at LEAST three individuals. Even so far as calling one of them a bastard, and being told explicitly, both in public and private at least FIVE times not to private message these people.

At 00:26:56, you tried privmsging someone who is not an op. At 00:31:43 you were told publicly not to privmsg people. At 00:34:45 you were AGAIN told publicly not to privmsg people unsolicited. At 00:37:45 you decided to privmsg ANOTHER person.

Apr 06 00:38:03 * fenris02 has kicked alfrom #fedora (al)

You mute would have ended here if you had not been harassing:

Apr 06 00:39:05 * fedbot sets mode -q #fedora al`!@

You were kicked and banned at this point, detailed reasons above.

This was not yet enough for you, so at 00:50:11 you decided to try ban-evasion and privmsg YET AGAIN.

Please do let me know if I have left anything out. If you do decide to actually run Fedora in the future, please do answer questions when directly asked multiple times without being glib.

If you just want general Linux without being distro-specific, try ##linux instead.

just another pezzonovante ...

The log you posted is irrelevant. All the point you mention are not backed by any log. If you want to comment, comment on the log describing the original issue, not some later conversation between me and EvilBob. Btw, you posted the log between me and another individual without my prior authorization, which is rude. Unless you are able to post the original log, your saying and all your arguments are worthless.

You say the mute would have ended. Once again, your words are not worth much. Do not play the good Lord, kicking and then being good. I was never told anything about any delay, in the lack of information, I tried to gather information from other people which were in the chan, trying to know what was going on. This is what you call "harassing".

I have seen from the tickets history that you have a past in unjustified ban, that is enough to conclude that you, fenris02, is a trigger to violence. I find this sad for the Fedora Community.

About the log, I do not have the log of the first discussion, which led to the mute. I left then re-joined, the channel, then got banned, then opened this issue. So to add to the insult, you now call me a liar.

If you consult the first log, you will find that people in the channel have been starting this little fight by calling me a "script-kiddie" and did not get muted, then they ordered me to post stuff. They drew first blood, not me.

Stop slinging insults, it is not needed. You closed the ticket, drop it and move on. You are not being constructive.

Permission is not needed to post logs from a public channel. If you do not want a permanent record of your behavior perhaps you should avoid IRC or behave in a respectful and cooperative manner. The log of our conversation is relevant to resolving your complaint, it is worth noting that you still refuse to post the log of your behavior that resulted in your mute and later your ban. To do so now that the ticket is closed, by you, is pointless.

I gave you several suggestions to resolve your question including using your distribution's support venues and contacting your sysadmin. I again suggest you use these avenues.

My logs have timestamps. I properly indicated what happened when for reference to anyone else with a proper log.

If you wish to pursue this rant, please provide detailed logs with timestamps so we all have a common point to reference.

If all you really want to do is rant, you may take it elsewhere.

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