#22 Ban Appeal: mathezula - #fedora, #fedora-ops
Closed: Invalid None Opened 13 years ago by mathezula.

Please fill in this template fully and provide all requested information.
Incomplete tickets may be dropped.

This feedback is:
[ ] Positive
[X] Negative
[ ] Neutral

My IRC nick is: mathezula

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this ticket:

Operator fenris02 was in a bit of a mood of sorts; I was banned in #fedora. I patiently requested in #fedora-ops for another op to read the log (in the hopes my ban would be lifted); fenris02 became rather confrontational when I did this, and I asked him to follow the guidelines for the operators. I was consequently banned after operator Evilbob dismissed my request to have the log reviewed. I joined #freenode-social and asked a little about who owned the various fedora channels, and was banned for it by operator Evilbob. My intention wasn't to file a ticket or get anyone in trouble, but, I'd like all my bans lifted.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction:

fenris02, mutk, Evilbob

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on this feedback:

I don't think there are any policy changes that would prevent this in the future, I think the policies are great; I do think from reading the operator guidelines for the fedora channels that maybe some operator team meetings where an emphasis on adhering to the policies already in place is made. I understand that it's a large support channel and that operating a channel that big is a huge amount of stress and work, but those standards are important (at least to me).

Any additional notes or logs:

Here are several clips (clipped for context, it's a long log) of fenris02 kind of...being a little ...agitated...along with clips of he and I directly interacting in the channel; I have also included related private messages to other operators discussing the issue, along with clips of what I feel are bans of mine from tonight that should be lifted and looked into in the various fedora channels:

* #fedora ***
<fenris02> ivazquez|laptop, KGBWolf has been here for the last 12 hours asking trivial questions that would be solved by reading RUTE or other intro docs.
<ivazquez|laptop> Ooooh, an anklebiter.
chee has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Bass10 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Aero528> ivazquez|laptop, I don't think it did anything
<fenris02> ok, 13 hours, 3 minutes really.
<ivazquez|laptop> That's a good sign.
<ivazquez|laptop> Try the ports now.
Froolap has quit (Quit: I give up, you win. I surrender.)
<mathezula> fenris02, you're not seriously suggesting that getting help here depends on reading rute
<Aero528> ivazquez|laptop, nope, nothing
<mathezula> fenris02, btw i was told to look for you as you had some good reading about apple rendering in F14
satellit_ (~satellit@2002:d064:95e7:0:219:d1ff:fe73:14e6) has joined #fedora
<fenris02> mathezula, Do you
really want to go there? seriously? it has not even been 24hrs for your yet ...
<mutk> mathezula, Not at all.
Froolap (~Froolap@pool-71-180-136-88.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) has joined #fedora
<ivazquez|laptop> Aero528: Strange. Dunno then.
<mathezula> mutk, must have just been the wording is all :)
<mutk> mathezula, You need to asses the full background first sir..
<mathezula> fenris02, yes i really want to know about BCI tweaking in F14
<Aero528> ivazquez|laptop,, I did find this: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F14_bugs#USB_3.0_ports_not_working
<mathezula> im assuming its BCI I thought it was GDI but me and acronyms dong get along
<Aero528> I don't understand what to do exactly though
<fenris02> mathezula, why not skip all the acronyms and explain what it is you really want.
<mathezula> i want a replica of apple's font rendering in F14
<fenris02> mathezula, run osx.
<mathezula> osx != F14
<fenris02> next stupid question.
<mathezula> yikes.
<fenris02> mathezula, why not skip all the crap and explain what it is you really want.
<mutk> mathezula, Try to be a little more verbose 'apple rendering in F14' makes little sense to me
<mathezula> ok. apple renders their font differently than what is standard on F14, with specifications that can be replicated on linux systems. I could follow a linux tut on this as i have with other distros but would like to skip that if there is a 'fedora way' that is better. :)
<ivazquez|laptop> You need a rebuilt freetype.
<fenris02> mutk, careful with that one. if you tell him he's wrong, he'll blow up again and spend the next few hours ranting.
<ivazquez|laptop> Try RPMFusion maybe.
<fenris02> again. and again.

** #fedora ***
<mathezula> SynFlag, what do you mean by 'not working'?
<mathezula> SynFlag, please explain output.
<SynFlag> man modprobe
<SynFlag> fopen: No existe el fichero o el directorio
<SynFlag> Imposible abrir la página sobre /usr/share/man/es/man1/depmod.1.gz
<SynFlag> No hay ninguna página sobre modprobe
<Aero528> could someone explain to me how to do this?
<Aero528> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F14_bugs#USB_3.0_ports_not_working
<mathezula> thats fubar
KolonelPanic (~heywood@ has joined #fedora
<fenris02> Aero528, err, it tells you right there.
<KGBWolf> found what i need thanks again
<fenris02> mathezula, no. it's spanish. completely normal error.
<mathezula> oh, ty, i wasn't aware what spanish was.
<Aero528> fenris02, I know, but I don't know how to create files or pass kernel variables
<fenris02> mathezula, that's two. dont play dumb a third time today.
<mathezula> yikes. is anyone else reading this?
timahvo1 (~rogue@ has joined #fedora
<fenris02> Aero528, kernel variables are passed on the grub line that begins with 'kernel'.
<fenris02> Aero528, you create files with your favorite editor ...
<SynFlag> fenris02: how view the manpage in english?
<SynFlag> or fix the error
<ivazquez|laptop> LANG=en_US.utf8 man modprobe
<fenris02> SynFlag, purely out of curiosity, try "LANG=en_US man depmod"
<SynFlag> ok, thanks
<mathezula> SynFlag, http://linux.die.net/man/8/modprobe
<SynFlag> great LANG=en_US.utf8 man modprobe works!
KolonelPanic has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
<ivazquez|laptop> man should be dropping back to en_US if the es man page isn't found though.
<mathezula> ivazquez|laptop, yeah i was concerned about that
<Aero528> fenris02, sorry, I just installed linux today, so i'm not familiar with any of this. How do you access the grub line
* KGBWolf has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<fenris02> @saylucky Aero528 RUTE
<fedbot> Aero528: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz (this is a google 'I feel lucky' search result)
<ivazquez|laptop> First, practice using a text editor on a non-dangerous file.
<mathezula> mutk, pm? :)
<ivazquez|laptop> Popular choices are nano, vim, and emacs.
<mutk> mathezula, Sure. Whats up?

PM with mutk

<mathezula> im a loud person
<mathezula> but i like what you guys are doing here
<mathezula> and i've read the outlines for whats expected of the various roles here
<mathezula> and you guys are right where i want my org to be
<mathezula> uhm.
<mathezula> you might want to...uh.. 'catalyze' with fenris02, he seems to be in quite the mood tonight. I'd try myself but he'd probably take it the wrong way.
<mutk> Understood. He has had a bit of a crap time with this guy KGBWolf. Seriously ...
<mathezula> i figured he'd chill out a little with a little nudge from the right person and you seem to be a more respected senior op. if you're doing pidof $proc still you are OLD SCHOOL lol
<mathezula> thats like 'e-world' old lmfao
<mutk> BTW, there is a feedback channel somewhere.. I tend not to pay attention. You could in the mildest language possible point out what happened today..
<mathezula> well i dont want to get him in trouble
<mutk> You won't.
<mathezula> which channel is the feedback channel?
<mutk> Sorry it is not literally a #channel.. Its a trac project I think, let me have a look.
<mathezula> k
<mutk> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRC/Maximizing_Support_from_IRC#Feedback
<mutk> Take a copy of our conversation too so it can be placed in the ticket :)
<mathezula> sounds good

** #fedora ***
<fenris02> Aero528, pay someone to do it for you then.
<fenris02> Aero528, the going rate is about 85$/hr, with a 4 hour minimum. double that if you want an explanation.
<Aero528> fenris02, Ok, thanks for your help. This could have been done much quicker, but it seems I looked for help in the wrong place
<fenris02> Aero528, you asked in the correct place, but you are unwilling to read the answer.
<jroysdon> we dont spoonfeed
<jroysdon> we teach fishing
<fenris02> Aero528, had you put even a modicum of effort into solving it, i can provide much nicer answers.
<mathezula> Aero528, i'll do it for you for 25 dollars an hour and include an explanation
<Aero528> fenris02, Ok, I understand this. I'm sorry. I'll figure it out, but I was hoping someone could point me to some specific resources rather than just a vague direction. In any case, I'm reading now.
Abhinav1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
<fenris02> Aero528, Excellent! Glad to hear it. you will learn much, and quickly that way.
KolonelPanic (~heywood@ has joined #fedora
<mathezula> Aero528, if you have questions while you're getting familiar with it, dont hesitate to ask.
<Aero528> fenris02, I had every intention of reading it, but I was hoping to have it solved quicker.
<fenris02> Aero528, that is the quick way. the short cut makes it take years longer ...
<ivazquez|laptop> I need a recommendation for web-based NAS software.
<Aero528> fenris02, I'll take your word for it then. Thanks for your help. Sorry if i've been a pain

** #fedora *
<mathezula> Aero528, for example, if you needed to pass a noacpi option to your kernel in grub.conf you'd just find the line youre booting from, copy that whole entry, paste it, then put 'noacpi' after your kernel selection line in grub.conf
<mathezula> s/after/at the end of/
<fenris02> mathezula, for testing, grub.conf is the wrong place to put things ...
<Aero528> mathzula, Ok, thanks for the advice!
MatthewV has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
<mathezula> fenris02, if there's another way to test a kernel option the only other way i know would be to manually type it in while grub is actually running to select the kernel
<fenris02> mathezula, bingo! the perfect method for
something. it verifies that it works and does no permanent damage.
MatthewV (~matthew@124-169-180-87.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #fedora
mathezula has never gotten a kernel option wrong lol
<mathezula> but i see your point
<mutk> mathezula, It is possible to edit the grub parameters at boot time too. Rather than adding them to the grub.conf
<fenris02> mathezula, you already admitted to being new too.
<mathezula> yes i had never touched a fedora system two days or so ago
<fenris02> mathezula, you're still new to linux.
<mathezula> no not at all
fenris02 chuckles politely
<mathezula> ...
<fenris02> mathezula, Yes. you are. http://fenris02.fedorapeople.org/futurist.se_gldt/gldt1011.png
mathezula looks for slackware 10 on that list
<fenris02> it's near the right side ... "new"
<fenris02> check the release date.
<mathezula> oh jeez, it must have been '06 or '07
<mathezula> hrm, no, maybe '05. not sure i'd have to check.
<fenris02> three seconds of google answers that question.
mathezula shrugs
<mathezula> I guess there's really no excuse, then. :)
<fenris02> mathezula, when you ask the same basic question that you asked yesterday and the day before, and have to be told up to eight times the same answer, you are NEW
opengeard has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
<mathezula> I have no idea what you're talking about.
mikeandmore (~mikeandmo@ has joined #fedora
<fenris02> ok. if you insist.
jozefk has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<mathezula> I would prefer it if you refrained from personal attacks in the future.
<fenris02> mathezula, that is not an attack at all. merely restating your recent history.
<mathezula> I see. Well, you're wrong.
ChanServ gives channel operator status to fenris02
fenris02 sets ban on $a:mathezula
fenris02 removes channel operator status from mathezula
<fenris02> enough trash.
fenris02 removes channel operator status from fenris02
<[R]> that's what she said?
sgordon has quit (Quit: EOF)

** #fedora-ops *
Now talking on #fedora-ops
Topic for #fedora-ops is: Enduser support in #fedora | Administrative chat for all Fedora Channel Operators; for more information: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRC | IRC Support SIG Meetings: Thursdays at 16:30 UTC in #fedora-meeting|
Topic for #fedora-ops set by VileGent!~notfred@fedora/Southern-Gentleman at Tue Dec 21 22:19:34 2010
mathezula sighs
<mathezula> anybody reading #fedora?
<fenris02> Yes.
<fenris02> lurk in #fedora all you like. this way, at least you will stop being disruptive and rude.
<mathezula> i wasn't being disruptive and rude
<mathezula> you're in a mood
<mathezula> anyone reading the log will see this
<fenris02> and?
<mathezula> lashing out at me because you're in a bad mood is a little inconsistent with that's expected of fedora operators per the guidelines we have, isn't it?
<fenris02> mathezula, you failed to understand a basic concept. First off, i am not mad at you at all.
<EvilBob> I know for a fact fenris02 is not in a bad mood
<mathezula> Good. Then can you start adhering to the operator guidelines a little more closely?
<mathezula> EvilBob, can you read the log for #fedora for the last half hour?
<fenris02> mathezula, you want to start being constructive?
<mathezula> fenris02, no, I want you to use your ops in the manner described for you.
<EvilBob> And when he is he rarely if ever lets that overflow in to his "job"
ChanServ gives channel operator status to fenris02
fenris02 sets ban on $a:mathezula
* You have been kicked from #fedora-ops by fenris02 (mathezula)

** #fedora-social *
Now talking on #fedora-social
Topic for #fedora-social is: ≋≋≋ Welcome to Fedora's Professional Bacon Social Realm ≋≋≋ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Social_Channel_FAQ ≋≋≋ Fedora Support #fedora ≋≋≋ 2011: The Year of the Bacon ≋≋≋
Topic for #fedora-social set by mock!~mock@fedora/mock at Tue Jan 4 13:19:43 2011
MarkDude has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<EvilBob> I don't want to hear it so don't start
<EvilBob> ONLY warning
<jroysdon> the butler did it ;-p
KageSenshi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<mathezula> are these channels all owned by one group or is it kind of a collaborative thing between community members? like is there red-hat behind it?
<tw2113> mosrly community last i knew
<tw2113> mostly

<mathezula> any idea where I could find out?
<tw2113> yeah, someone else in here who knows more
<mathezula> lol
fedbot sets ban on mathezula!~mathezula@170.sub-75-200-175.myvzw.com
You have been kicked from #fedora-social by fedbot (You were warned, EvilBob)

Thanks for your feedback! You're welcome!

It looks like I messed up the formatting for that log, I think this should fix it:

<fenris02> ivazquez|laptop, KGBWolf has been here for the last 12 hours asking trivial questions that would be solved by reading RUTE or other intro docs.
<ivazquez|laptop> Ooooh, an anklebiter.
chee has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Bass10 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<Aero528> ivazquez|laptop, I don't think it did anything
<fenris02> ok, 13 hours, 3 minutes really.
<ivazquez|laptop> That's a good sign.
<ivazquez|laptop> Try the ports now.
Froolap has quit (Quit: I give up, you win. I surrender.)
<mathezula> fenris02, you're not seriously suggesting that getting help here depends on reading rute
<Aero528> ivazquez|laptop, nope, nothing
<mathezula> fenris02, btw i was told to look for you as you had some good reading about apple rendering in F14
satellit_ (~satellit@2002:d064:95e7:0:219:d1ff:fe73:14e6) has joined #fedora
<fenris02> mathezula, Do you really want to go there? seriously? it has not even been 24hrs for your yet ...
<mutk> mathezula, Not at all.
* Froolap (~Froolap@pool-71-180-136-88.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) has joined #fedora
<ivazquez|laptop> Aero528: Strange. Dunno then.
<mathezula> mutk, must have just been the wording is all :)
<mutk> mathezula, You need to asses the full background first sir..
<mathezula> fenris02, yes i really want to know about BCI tweaking in F14
<Aero528> ivazquez|laptop,, I did find this: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F14_bugs#USB_3.0_ports_not_working
<mathezula> im assuming its BCI I thought it was GDI but me and acronyms dong get along
<Aero528> I don't understand what to do exactly though
<fenris02> mathezula, why not skip all the acronyms and explain what it is you really want.
<mathezula> i want a replica of apple's font rendering in F14
<fenris02> mathezula, run osx.
<mathezula> osx != F14
<fenris02> next stupid question.
<mathezula> yikes.
<fenris02> mathezula, why not skip all the crap and explain what it is you really want.
<mutk> mathezula, Try to be a little more verbose 'apple rendering in F14' makes little sense to me
<mathezula> ok. apple renders their font differently than what is standard on F14, with specifications that can be replicated on linux systems. I could follow a linux tut on this as i have with other distros but would like to skip that if there is a 'fedora way' that is better. :)
<ivazquez|laptop> You need a rebuilt freetype.
<fenris02> mutk, careful with that one. if you tell him he's wrong, he'll blow up again and spend the next few hours ranting.
<ivazquez|laptop> Try RPMFusion maybe.
<fenris02> again. and again.


<mathezula> SynFlag, what do you mean by 'not working'?
<mathezula> SynFlag, please explain output.
<SynFlag> man modprobe
<SynFlag> fopen: No existe el fichero o el directorio
<SynFlag> Imposible abrir la página sobre /usr/share/man/es/man1/depmod.1.gz
<SynFlag> No hay ninguna página sobre modprobe
<Aero528> could someone explain to me how to do this?
<Aero528> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F14_bugs#USB_3.0_ports_not_working
<mathezula> thats fubar
KolonelPanic (~heywood@ has joined #fedora
<fenris02> Aero528, err, it tells you right there.
<KGBWolf> found what i need thanks again
<fenris02> mathezula, no. it's spanish. completely normal error.
<mathezula> oh, ty, i wasn't aware what spanish was.
<Aero528> fenris02, I know, but I don't know how to create files or pass kernel variables
<fenris02> mathezula, that's two. dont play dumb a third time today.
<mathezula> yikes. is anyone else reading this?
timahvo1 (~rogue@ has joined #fedora
<fenris02> Aero528, kernel variables are passed on the grub line that begins with 'kernel'.
<fenris02> Aero528, you create files with your favorite editor ...
<SynFlag> fenris02: how view the manpage in english?
<SynFlag> or fix the error
<ivazquez|laptop> LANG=en_US.utf8 man modprobe
<fenris02> SynFlag, purely out of curiosity, try "LANG=en_US man depmod"
<SynFlag> ok, thanks
<mathezula> SynFlag, http://linux.die.net/man/8/modprobe
<SynFlag> great LANG=en_US.utf8 man modprobe works!
KolonelPanic has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
<ivazquez|laptop> man should be dropping back to en_US if the es man page isn't found though.
<mathezula> ivazquez|laptop, yeah i was concerned about that
<Aero528> fenris02, sorry, I just installed linux today, so i'm not familiar with any of this. How do you access the grub line
KGBWolf has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<fenris02> @saylucky Aero528 RUTE
<fedbot> Aero528: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz (this is a google 'I feel lucky' search result)
<ivazquez|laptop> First, practice using a text editor on a non-dangerous file.
<mathezula> mutk, pm? :)
<ivazquez|laptop> Popular choices are nano, vim, and emacs.
<mutk> mathezula, Sure. Whats up?

PM with mutk

<mathezula> im a loud person
<mathezula> but i like what you guys are doing here
<mathezula> and i've read the outlines for whats expected of the various roles here
<mathezula> and you guys are right where i want my org to be
<mathezula> uhm.
<mathezula> you might want to...uh.. 'catalyze' with fenris02, he seems to be in quite the mood tonight. I'd try myself but he'd probably take it the wrong way.
<mutk> Understood. He has had a bit of a crap time with this guy KGBWolf. Seriously ...
<mathezula> i figured he'd chill out a little with a little nudge from the right person and you seem to be a more respected senior op. if you're doing pidof $proc still you are OLD SCHOOL lol
<mathezula> thats like 'e-world' old lmfao
<mutk> BTW, there is a feedback channel somewhere.. I tend not to pay attention. You could in the mildest language possible point out what happened today..
<mathezula> well i dont want to get him in trouble
<mutk> You won't.
<mathezula> which channel is the feedback channel?
<mutk> Sorry it is not literally a #channel.. Its a trac project I think, let me have a look.
<mathezula> k
<mutk> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRC/Maximizing_Support_from_IRC#Feedback
<mutk> Take a copy of our conversation too so it can be placed in the ticket :)
<mathezula> sounds good

** #fedora ***
<fenris02> Aero528, pay someone to do it for you then.
<fenris02> Aero528, the going rate is about 85$/hr, with a 4 hour minimum. double that if you want an explanation.
<Aero528> fenris02, Ok, thanks for your help. This could have been done much quicker, but it seems I looked for help in the wrong place
<fenris02> Aero528, you asked in the correct place, but you are unwilling to read the answer.
<jroysdon> we dont spoonfeed
<jroysdon> we teach fishing
<fenris02> Aero528, had you put even a modicum of effort into solving it, i can provide much nicer answers.
<mathezula> Aero528, i'll do it for you for 25 dollars an hour and include an explanation
<Aero528> fenris02, Ok, I understand this. I'm sorry. I'll figure it out, but I was hoping someone could point me to some specific resources rather than just a vague direction. In any case, I'm reading now.
Abhinav1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
<fenris02> Aero528, Excellent! Glad to hear it. you will learn much, and quickly that way.
KolonelPanic (~heywood@ has joined #fedora
<mathezula> Aero528, if you have questions while you're getting familiar with it, dont hesitate to ask.
<Aero528> fenris02, I had every intention of reading it, but I was hoping to have it solved quicker.
<fenris02> Aero528, that is the quick way. the short cut makes it take years longer ...
<ivazquez|laptop> I need a recommendation for web-based NAS software.
<Aero528> fenris02, I'll take your word for it then. Thanks for your help. Sorry if i've been a pain

** #fedora *
<mathezula> Aero528, for example, if you needed to pass a noacpi option to your kernel in grub.conf you'd just find the line youre booting from, copy that whole entry, paste it, then put 'noacpi' after your kernel selection line in grub.conf
<mathezula> s/after/at the end of/
<fenris02> mathezula, for testing, grub.conf is the wrong place to put things ...
<Aero528> mathzula, Ok, thanks for the advice!
MatthewV has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
<mathezula> fenris02, if there's another way to test a kernel option the only other way i know would be to manually type it in while grub is actually running to select the kernel
<fenris02> mathezula, bingo! the perfect method for
something. it verifies that it works and does no permanent damage.
MatthewV (~matthew@124-169-180-87.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #fedora
mathezula has never gotten a kernel option wrong lol
<mathezula> but i see your point
<mutk> mathezula, It is possible to edit the grub parameters at boot time too. Rather than adding them to the grub.conf
<fenris02> mathezula, you already admitted to being new too.
<mathezula> yes i had never touched a fedora system two days or so ago
<fenris02> mathezula, you're still new to linux.
<mathezula> no not at all
fenris02 chuckles politely
<mathezula> ...
<fenris02> mathezula, Yes. you are. http://fenris02.fedorapeople.org/futurist.se_gldt/gldt1011.png
* mathezula looks for slackware 10 on that list
<fenris02> it's near the right side ... "new"
<fenris02> check the release date.
<mathezula> oh jeez, it must have been '06 or '07
<mathezula> hrm, no, maybe '05. not sure i'd have to check.

<fenris02> three seconds of google answers that question.
mathezula shrugs
<mathezula> I guess there's really no excuse, then. :)
<fenris02> mathezula, when you ask the same basic question that you asked yesterday and the day before, and have to be told up to eight times the same answer, you are
opengeard has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
<mathezula> I have no idea what you're talking about.
mikeandmore (~mikeandmo@ has joined #fedora
<fenris02> ok. if you insist.
jozefk has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<mathezula> I would prefer it if you refrained from personal attacks in the future.
<fenris02> mathezula, that is not an attack at all. merely restating your recent history.
<mathezula> I see. Well, you're wrong.
ChanServ gives channel operator status to fenris02
fenris02 sets ban on $a:mathezula
fenris02 removes channel operator status from mathezula
<fenris02> enough trash.
fenris02 removes channel operator status from fenris02
<[R]> that's what she said?
* sgordon has quit (Quit: EOF)

** #fedora-ops *
Now talking on #fedora-ops
Topic for #fedora-ops is: Enduser support in #fedora | Administrative chat for all Fedora Channel Operators; for more information: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRC | IRC Support SIG Meetings: Thursdays at 16:30 UTC in #fedora-meeting|
Topic for #fedora-ops set by VileGent!~notfred@fedora/Southern-Gentleman at Tue Dec 21 22:19:34 2010
mathezula sighs
<mathezula> anybody reading #fedora?
<fenris02> Yes.
<fenris02> lurk in #fedora all you like. this way, at least you will stop being disruptive and rude.
<mathezula> i wasn't being disruptive and rude
<mathezula> you're in a mood
<mathezula> anyone reading the log will see this
<fenris02> and?
<mathezula> lashing out at me because you're in a bad mood is a little inconsistent with that's expected of fedora operators per the guidelines we have, isn't it?
<fenris02> mathezula, you failed to understand a basic concept. First off, i am not mad at you at all.
<EvilBob> I know for a fact fenris02 is not in a bad mood
<mathezula> Good. Then can you start adhering to the operator guidelines a little more closely?
<mathezula> EvilBob, can you read the log for #fedora for the last half hour?
<fenris02> mathezula, you want to start being constructive?
<mathezula> fenris02, no, I want you to use your ops in the manner described for you.
<EvilBob> And when he is he rarely if ever lets that overflow in to his "job"
ChanServ gives channel operator status to fenris02
fenris02 sets ban on $a:mathezula
* You have been kicked from #fedora-ops by fenris02 (mathezula)

** #fedora-social *
Now talking on #fedora-social
Topic for #fedora-social is: ≋≋≋ Welcome to Fedora's Professional Bacon Social Realm ≋≋≋ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Social_Channel_FAQ ≋≋≋ Fedora Support #fedora ≋≋≋ 2011: The Year of the Bacon ≋≋≋
Topic for #fedora-social set by mock!~mock@fedora/mock at Tue Jan 4 13:19:43 2011
MarkDude has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<EvilBob> I don't want to hear it so don't start
<EvilBob> ONLY warning
<jroysdon> the butler did it ;-p
KageSenshi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<mathezula> are these channels all owned by one group or is it kind of a collaborative thing between community members? like is there red-hat behind it?
<tw2113> mosrly community last i knew
<tw2113> mostly

<mathezula> any idea where I could find out?
<tw2113> yeah, someone else in here who knows more
<mathezula> lol
fedbot sets ban on mathezula!~mathezula@170.sub-75-200-175.myvzw.com
You have been kicked from #fedora-social by fedbot (You were warned, EvilBob)


I will only discuss your ban in #fedora-social. In the past you were informed repeatedly of this venue to resolve grievances, you repeatedly refused to use it. #fedora-social is not a dumping ground for your "hurt feelings" it is intended to be a fun, happy place, Not for your delusions of entitlement and anti-authority behavior. You failed to paste the logs where you were continually belligerent, rude, disrespectful and where you failed to follow instructions after being told them repeatedly.

ALL bans I set in #fedora-social are timed bans, and with the exception of cases where there is a bot error, they auto expire. Bans start short and progressively get longer with repeat offences. I even do reset the level where I ban people when their behavior changes. By the time you filed this ticket your ban there had expired, just for the record.

I am curious did you seek the user mutk's permission before posting an alleged transcript of a private conversation? I know the times you have sent me private messages they were never welcome and not read. If you read the Wiki you will find that it suggests sending private messages with out permission is frowned upon.

Again you continue to send me private messages without permission. This behavior does not reflect well on your plea.

Your issue will be discussed based on the information provided in your ticket and cross referenced against our own logs for completeness and accuracy. The matter will be additionally addressed at our next sig meeting on 2011-01-13. It should be noted that when discussing items in our meetings users nicks such as yours are never used to prevent branding. Also you should know your behavior was discussed at our meeting on 2011-01-06.

Hi bjensen, I'm assuming you are user Evilbob?

I think you may have misinterpreted my 'dumping the ground with my hurt feelings'. I think it would be important for me to repost the logs about the ban in #fedora-social, though I feel focusing on the ban in #fedora-social would remove the contest of the grievance:

** #fedora-social *
Now talking on #fedora-social
Topic for #fedora-social is: ≋≋≋ Welcome to Fedora's Professional Bacon Social Realm ≋≋≋ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Social_Channel_FAQ ≋≋≋ Fedora Support #fedora ≋≋≋ 2011: The Year of the Bacon ≋≋≋
Topic for #fedora-social set by mock!~mock@fedora/mock at Tue Jan 4 13:19:43 2011
MarkDude has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<EvilBob> I don't want to hear it so don't start
<EvilBob> ONLY warning
<jroysdon> the butler did it ;-p
KageSenshi has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
<mathezula> are these channels all owned by one group or is it kind of a collaborative thing between community members? like is there red-hat behind it?
<tw2113> mosrly community last i knew
<tw2113> mostly

<mathezula> any idea where I could find out?
<tw2113> yeah, someone else in here who knows more
<mathezula> lol
fedbot sets ban on mathezula!~mathezula@170.sub-75-200-175.myvzw.com
You have been kicked from #fedora-social by fedbot (You were warned, EvilBob)

As this is a complaint about your behavior as well, I'd really like this ticket to be assigned to someone else, as it's a bit of a conflict of interest and I am definitely requesting intervention from another administrator given what I am noticing to be a trend in behavior.

I also was left with no way to discuss the matter with you on IRC, which is why I pm'd you to discuss my ban. You have intentionally misconstrued my behavior to obfuscate your own.

You should file a separate ticket for your #fedora-social issue concerning me.

All three bans were part of the same event. Please reassign the ticket to someone who was not the target of the complaint.

The "priority" of this ticket is set to "trivial" as it is a SOP item, no special policy is needed. Please refrain from changing it again.

Please reticket appropriately for each channel/op event.

Login to comment on this ticket.
