#186 #fedora-social ban inquery
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by odin2016.

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My IRC nick is: odin2016

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this
It appears both of my nicks have been banned from the #fedora-social channel. I suspect this is due to a night where I had left my main nick logged on at home and logged into my mobile Nick at work. It appears that I had issues with wireless both at home at at work that lead to a bit of quickly repeated logging on and off. The next day I noticed I was banned.
I'd like to know if that is why I was banned, and what I would need to do to have said ban lifted. I don't terribly much talk in that channel, but do from time to time.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: odin2016_mobile

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on
this feedback:
I'd like to know why I was banned and what I need to do to have that ban lifted.

Any additional notes or logs: None.

Thanks for your feedback!

You were banned for being a yo-yo too long. Physical user quits and joins not automated quits and joins.. You were asked politely to stop but you kept it up. You bounced over a dozen times in a half hour. Your second nick was banned for ban evasion, channel policy.

I can lift the ban if you swear to resolve the problem. If you are plagued with bad connections please concider getting a bouncer. Free reliable accounts can be had at #LayerBNC on freenode. Thanks..

Randy - N3LRX

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