#185 I don't think this mute or reaction was warranted, nor the threats
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by celexi.

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My IRC nick is:
Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this

A recent upgrade left my system unbootable, when i got back on i logged into irc channel and explained that i se linux had caused it, and put it in permissive as a workaround, i even mentioned it was temporary, however fenrus02 got really mad that selinux was ever disabled and demanded avc_logs, saying i had been complaining on the issue for over a year.
I have not been in the channel for over a year, nor a year, nor i have used fedora for that long either and he confused me for someone else, i mentioned this and he promptly muted me. When i tried to explain to him again that i was not who he thought i was, i was threatened with a ban without any talk possible.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction:
fenrus02 mutk
Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on
this feedback:
Confusing me for someone else and refusing to even consider that i am not who they think they are probably shouldn't have warranted a mute and threats of banning
Any additional notes or logs:
attaching log after making ticket
Thanks for your feedback!

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