#181 Banned from #fedora and #fedora-social without serious reason.
Closed: Fixed None Opened 8 years ago by ozborne.

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My IRC nick is: GreenDay

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this

Banned from #fedora-social and #fedora with no obvious reason.
I was insulted by fenrus02 on #fedora-social in French language. Then i complain about that on the channel and on #fedora-ops. kk4ewt provided a sermon.. Then he decided to ban me from #fedora-social. After that i "stated" on #fedora that i was banned and then kk4ewt banned me also from #fedora.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: fenrus02, kk4ewt

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on
this feedback:

I understand i have to make progress on relationship but I use fedora and didnot pollute #fedora. Regarding #fedora-social i may have trolling a bit and that's to get more socialship. I want to have good relationship with #fedora-social. I think also fenrus02 insult me and i deserve apology or at least he must be disciplined.

Any additional notes or logs:

Thanks for your feedback!

Attached Log
GreenDay started it from the time he came into the channel
even insulted fenrus2
was asking for support in #fedora-social

attached Greenday2 which shows my interaction with him and you can see it was a bot ban
It was me

Greenday/Osbourne is a repeat offender. I was all for giving him a chance but this cat has not changed his stripes I am for this ban and the ban in #fedora to be a Perma-Ban

he came into #fedora when i was in the middle of helping someone troubleshoot an issue and in his normal rude self started to complain about the ban in #fedora-social. which got him a ban in #fedora.

I have had enough of this joker and time for permaban

Before there is any confusion, I have not banned ozborne from any channel. Someone else might have.

New nick, same old user that is still banned - so by policy, he should now be permanently banned for evasion.

He claimed to have turned a new leaf, reformed, and so was given leniency. He has clearly not changed.

Greenday has been given many chances and warned many times. Clearly he has not changed. He continues to be a nuisance wherever he goes. I vote for permanent ban. Again..

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