#175 Appealing a ban
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by khelek.

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[ ] Positive
[ ] Negative
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My IRC nick is: khelek

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this
ticket: I was talking with some other people about an issue I was having. I thought I found information in my logs I thought they'd be interested in, so without thinking I copied/pasted the 6 or so lines from my log. I was kicked, which I understood, but when I tried to rejoin I was told I was banned. I'm sorry for the mistake and won't let it happen again

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: fedbot, I guess

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on
this feedback: well, I'd like to be able to rejoin the channel. Also, I didn't see flooding/spamming listed in the FAQ. It would be nice to have that along with the consequences (and maybe a more lenient number of kicks before banning)

Any additional notes or logs:

Thanks for your feedback!

You were auto removed by the bot, but something went wrong. It was supposed to remove the ban as soon as you were no longer pasting to channel, but for some reason it didn't.

In any case, I cleared it. Sorry for the trouble.

No problem, I appreciate the quick turnaround and explanation! I'm just glad I didn't do something to really tick off someone! :)

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