#163 Offensive behavior - fenris02
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by remram.

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My IRC nick is: Remram

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this
ticket: Offensive behavior

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction: fenris02

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on
this feedback: Don't let people who don't hate your userbase in general handle your support

Any additional notes or logs:

20:28 -!- Irssi: #fedora: Total of 409 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 407 normal]
20:28 -!- Channel #fedora created Sat Jan 31 23:59:18 2004
20:28 -!- Irssi: Join to #fedora was synced in 1 secs
20:28 < Remram> hi guys! I'm trying to install Fedora
20:29 < Remram> I'm getting "warning: could not boot"
20:29 < Remram> "/dev/disk/by-label/.... does not exist"
20:29 < Remram> "/dev/mapper/live-rw does not exist"
20:29 < Remram> and then I drop into an emergency shell
20:30 < jstressman> how did you create your boot disk?
20:30 < Remram> I'm booting off the live cd...
20:31 < Remram> I downloaded Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-KDE.iso
20:32 < fenris02> you did not use unetbootin did you? or some other heavily broken tool?
20:33 < Remram> I did not
20:33 < Remram> just booted on the cdrom
20:33 < fenris02> no, you dont comprehend.
20:33 < fenris02> you downloaded the iso from somewhere, verified it, then put it on media using some tool. what was that tool?
20:34 < Remram> I burnt it on a CDROM with nero
20:34 < Remram> put it on the other computer and started it
20:34 < fenris02> how did you verify the iso download ?
20:35 < Remram> I used the SHA256 that was alongside the iso
20:36 < Remram> in Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-CHECKSUM
20:38 < Remram> there is only "by-id" in /dev/disk
20:39 < fenris02> great. what did you use for your sha256 check?
20:39 < Remram> the command line thing from cygwin
20:40 < fenris02> cool
20:40 < fenris02> any reason you decided not to use f19 or the updated media found in the /topic here? you do realize f18 goes end of life shortly right?
20:40 < Remram> yes
20:41 < Remram> I guess I'll be updating shortly, but I will use it to test stuff on Linux
20:41 * fenris02 sighs .. ok - asking again .. one at a time
20:41 < fenris02> Why 18 instead of 19?
20:41 < Remram> so I'm assuming if it works on my dev machine and fedora 18 it works on 19
20:41 < fenris02> bad assumption.
20:42 < Remram> that might be right but I still need to test on 18, it's not yet unsupported so there are people using it
20:42 < fenris02> "need to test on 18" ? perhaps you want to explain?
20:43 < Remram> I think this is going in every direction but my problem so far, but sure
20:43 < fenris02> extracting answers from you is almost worse than pulling teeth you know. you could make this go a WHOLE LOT faster.
20:43 < Remram> I want to test some software I'm making on various platforms, fedora 18 is one of them
20:43 < Remram> I have an ubuntu 12.04 box next to it
20:43 < fenris02> blah blah blah rambling about nothing.
20:44 < fenris02> want to try again, with real answers this time?
20:44 < Remram> you're asking about everything but my problem
20:44 < Remram> dude, chill out
20:44 < fenris02> great. good luck to you. i'm out. you refuse to answer basic questions that would help you.
20:44 < Remram> if you don't wanna help but ask me what I had for breakfast instead, go ahead, but don't blame me for not stating the color of my socks coming in
20:44 < Remram> I answered every question put through me so far no matter how retarded
20:44 < Remram> good night

I ended up getting no help and feeling like the community doesn't care about newcomers at all (and, more than treating them as newbies which I could've put up with, just plain hate anybody that finds itself on #fedora).

No help?


That's why your questions from yesterday were answered ?

To be clear, you are merely upset that I ran out of time to play 20-questions with you. You do not want to answer basic questions that would help. You refused to answer the questions that include an updated media set.

I am not stopping you from reading your own answers on docs.fedoraproject.org - simply bailing out from playing your 20-questions game. Nothing more.

Your call.

You pointed out to me that I could avoid these issues by installing F19 instead (which might or might not have worked). This is not possible in my case, and although I didn't see the point in that, I even explained why I had to install F18. As far as I can tell, F18 is still supported, and the topic states this is the right channel for support about F18.

Is that what you call "do not want to answer basic question"? Refusing to install something else entirely?

If the people who maintain this ticket system are that polite, good luck improving your channel.

Allow me to quote from above. Perhaps you will notice there are three parts to this.

20:40 < fenris02> any reason you decided not to use f19 or the updated media found in the /topic here? you do realize f18 goes end of life shortly right?

I don't know why I put up with your offensiveness and insults for so long, but I noticed that. I even just tried F19, just in case you might have in fact provided me with one useful bit of advice in the flood of hate that you pour out on newcomers. Unsurprisingly with the same results, the error line that I stated coming in.

Nobody forces you to help. In fact, I think the world as a whole would be a better place if you'd stop trying.

I'm not interested in further exchanges with you, that's why I left the channel in the first place. I'm reporting your behavior here in the hope that somebody can do something about it, I was not expecting much out of it and apparently was right, if you're the one receiving it. There won't be more communications from me.

Once again, good night. I appreciate you trying to help, although it should be obvious to anyone reading the logs that you never should have in the first place, given the state you get put in by somebody who to your views misses a mere two words in one of your lines.

We discussed this at todays meeting.

We are going to discuss further with fenris.

IMHO this conversation went off the rails with the f18 discussion. Fenrus was simply trying to see if the updated live isos would help you with your problem, but without knowing what that problem was there was no way to tell). Then things went downhill.

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