#152 It should be possible to file tickets that aren't visible to the public
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by jonast.

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My IRC nick is: MrJones

I find it a strong counter-incentive that tickets are public for filing tickets regarding very specific conversations and behaviour of specific persons in those conversations.

While personal insults should be avoided in tickets, it is hardly possible for person-targetted criticism not to be personal. Attached with a log of a conversation and with the direct pointing finger at a specific person who is blamed, it will remain here set in stone as public ticket (or are the tickets removed at some point?).

It seems totally wrong if a person's behaviour was simply slightly questionable (and if I'm not even sure if others feel the same) and I might have trouble talking to the subject because they just don't see it, but I want to bring it up anyway - but certainly not with having a publicly blaming post on the internet for everyone to see.

So would it be possible to add some way of feedback that allows to bring in others (=> not directly speaking to the targetted person), while not making a world-visible public ticket about it? That would be useful!

If you noticed, the ticket title isn't "Tickets should be private per default" - so I'm not sure how that link would be relevant. Unless you want to forbid private tickets entirely, but I don't think that's a good idea.

I disagree with "private tickets" "private meetings" and the like in 99.99% of all cases in open source. When there are private meetings and private tickets then there is normally only room for hurt feelings. Most people feel they have the right to "defend themselves" when facing accusations. I would agree with them.

My father used to say "If you don't have the balls to say it to their face then perhaps it is better left unsaid." I think it applies well here.

If you want secret cliques and witch hunts, the Fedora Board and it's CWG are the perfect avenues for you, both have the ability to do things in secret.

Sorry to say that, but I think it's a bit elitist to assume everyone has the will to shout out issues publicly.

I'd say rather take the feedback than force your openness on everyone. Or continue with requiring user signup, a tracker which isn't that suited for irc feedback and forcibly public tickets, and live with scaring some feedback away. Maybe there's a good reason for doing that, but I just don't see it.

Depending on the situation, yes some people may not have the balls, or might want to spare the public accusation but rather solve it as fast as possible in a smaller circle if it's simply not worth the trouble. If that seems to be the wrong approach for a specific issue, it could still be refused the internal discussion and asked to be brought to the public.

Please note I am NOT suggesting tickets which the ACCUSED cannot read. Rather tickets which not everyone on the internet can stumble across.

Maybe if that helps in explaining things, this feels a bit like forcing human resources complaints department reports public to the whole company. For some personal complaints it just doesn't seem the right approach to not allow a more discrete route initially, especially if the reporting person desires for it (either for them or for the targetted). - that is my opinion on things.

So, I guess this is for the case where you want to point out something someone is doing, but aren't sure it's really a problem and don't want to create some kind of perm record of the query?

I guess for those kinds of questions, wouldn't joining the #fedora-ops channel, explaining what you are seeing and getting feedback and then departing be transitory enough?

We also have a mailing list... it is archived, but you could ask in a more general way without naming names?

There is a 'senstive tickets' plugin we can enable here, but the problem is then we would have to stop sending email copies of tickets out or else the sensitive tickets is kinda useless, and if we do that tickets may not be seen or noted really.

We discussed this at the 2013-07-11 meeting.

Thanks for your feedback.

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