#119 Kudos to randomuser
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by chrisklinger01.

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My IRC nick is: chrisklinger

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this
Among others, randomuser tried to help in resolving an ssh issue. I would like to commend him(her?) for outstanding courtesy, patience, and teaching ability. Where I didn't understand some instruction, rather than being met by silence or insults, randomuser explained, courteously and very understandably, what was meant.

It's been over 4 years since i switched to linux. I have received help from numerous very knowledgeable individuals, and i am grateful for the time all spend trying to help others on IRC. Randomuser, however, has stood out to me as an example of knowledge, courtesy, and respect for the those that may not yet have the knowledge, but are trying,

Randomuser is a credit to the linux community.

Thank you.


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