#114 Complaint about EvilBob abusing power
Closed: Fixed None Opened 11 years ago by vicodan.

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My IRC nick is:

Please briefly describe the interaction that caused you to file this

On multiple occassions EvilBob has insulted me, and he has now overstepped his boundaries by banning me from #fedora-social without just cause.

I believe he should be relieved of his powers. He is overly abusive of them.

Please note other IRC nicks that are involved in this interaction:

Please describe what action or positive change could be adopted based on
this feedback:

Any additional notes or logs:

I have tried very hard to ignore his abusive comments behavior to no avail.

[08:40] <dan408> but i would always have the trombone guy make the "drunk noise"
[08:40] <dan408> trombone is by far the funnest instrument ever
[08:40] <j_dulaney> fenris02: I enjoy the sound of bagpipes, and one day will learn them
[08:41] <j_dulaney> When I have time and when my musical interests head in that direction
[08:41] <dan408> will you wear a skirt??
[08:41] <dan408> i mean kilt?
[08:41] <fenris02> j_dulaney, nod but in unskilled hands .. well, fighting cats sounds less grating on the ear
[08:41] * mharris (~mharris@unaffiliated/mharris) has joined #fedora-social
[08:41] * j_dulaney has a kilt
[08:41] * dan408 has a skirt
[08:41] <mharris> hmm, what did I walk into...
[08:41] <dan408> band practice
[08:41] * FranciscoD (~Ankur^^@pdpc/supporter/active/franciscod) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[08:41] <dan408> j_dulaney likes fluts
[08:41] <dan408> flutes
[08:41] * j_dulaney will be working hard on fretless banjo here shortly
[08:42] <dan408> he's taking his flute to band camp this summer
[08:42] <j_dulaney> It can't be too much different from fretted banjo
[08:42] <j_dulaney> Not quite
[08:43] <dan408> you know what
[08:43] <dan408> i'd rathere be a male cheerleader
[08:43] <dan408> those were the smartest guys in high school if they weren't queer
[08:44] <EvilBob> Yeah because being "queer" has anything to do with intelligence
[08:44] <dan408> well
[08:44] <dan408> why else would you be a male cheerleader?
[08:45] <fenris02> dan408, see tamu.edu
[08:45] <dan408> besides a) wanting to be a girl or b) looking up girls skirts like a pervert?
[08:45] <fenris02> go ahead. call one of them gay. see how long you can still breath.
[08:45] <dan408> let's be real here
[08:45] <fenris02> i am being real.
[08:45] <fenris02> seriously, go look at tamu.edu
[08:45] <dan408> i just did
[08:45] <dan408> where are the cheerleaders
[08:45] <dan408> WHAT
[08:46] <j_dulaney> .failure
[08:46] <fenris02> grow a fucking clue
[08:46] <j_dulaney> .fail
[08:46] <zodbot> Total, Abject, Miserable failure.
[08:46] <dan408> MIND. BLOWN.
[08:46] <dan408> and i was more referring to high school.
[08:46] <kc8hfi> I fixed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=828942 from f15 to f16.
[08:46] <fenris02> dan408, those guys in white at sporting events? that's the cheerleading squad.
[08:47] <dan408> fenris02: i thought that was the band.. sorry i was too busy staring at the chicks in short skirts dancing with pom poms
[08:47] <fenris02> dan408, most of them are straight A students, and enlisted
[08:47] * liznevada (be9e2969@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #fedora-social
[08:47] <dan408> fenris02: are you sure you're not confusing them with the colorguard?
[08:48] * fenris02 facepalms
[08:48] <fenris02> dan408, fucking grow a clue
[08:48] * nphilipp (nils@nat/redhat/x-xdkppzrhdtivekto) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[08:49] <dan408> http://recsports.tamu.edu/programs/sport_clubs/clubs/comp_squad.stm
[08:49] <dan408> if those are maloe
[08:49] <dan408> male

[08:49] <dan408> then uh
[08:49] <dan408> im really worried about that school
[08:49] <fenris02> <fenris02> dan408, those guys in white at sporting events? that's the cheerleading squad.
[08:50] <fenris02> try football. they stand out there.
[08:50] <fenris02> easy to see
[08:50] <fenris02> btw, most of the band is male too.
[08:50] <dan408> most bands are male.
[08:50] <fenris02> any school with a history in mil is largely male populated.
[08:50] <N3LRX> Day 2 of diabetes education. Today I get to consult with a dietitian and get an individualized meal plan.
[08:51] <dan408> fenris02: you're smoking rocks.
[08:51] <dan408> http://competitionsquad.tamu.edu/sites/default/files/416871_2760802389444_1539330036_31955439_1067854416_n.jpg
[08:51] * FranciscoD (~Ankur^^@pdpc/supporter/active/franciscod) has joined #fedora-social
[08:51] <fenris02> N3LRX, good times. hopefully it's not the crackmonkey plan from the 60s (high carb)
[08:51] <fenris02> dan408, what part of this statement did you not understand? <fenris02> try football. they stand out there.
[08:51] <kc8hfi> not the competition squad
[08:52] <EvilBob> N3LRX: Diet Plan? That's simple, don't eat anything you like.
[08:52] * liznevada (be9e2969@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[08:52] * enthdegree (~enthdegre@wikimedia/enthdegree) Quit (Quit: I love my HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-)
[08:52] <N3LRX> lol
[08:52] <EvilBob> N3LRX: Just wait and see
[08:52] <N3LRX> Bacon is low carb! I can eat bacon!
[08:52] <fenris02> indeed!
[08:52] <fenris02> however it's high salt and high fat .. so they might tell you something nasty.
[08:53] <dan408> PLEASE.
[08:53] <dan408> http://recsports.tamu.edu/programs/sport_clubs/clubs/comp_squad.stm
[08:53] <dan408> do you see foot ball on there
[08:53] <dan408> im done searching on there
[08:53] <j_dulaney> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu98TiAdd6o&feature=relmfu
[08:53] @fedbot j_dulaney: Title: "Sweet Georgia Brown" - Wynton Marsalis/Mark O'Connor, Views: 9416, Rating: 98.888894%
[08:54] <dan408> http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/x--Cheerleading--x-cheerleading-446458_350_395.jpg <-- guys looking up skirts
[08:54] <EvilBob> dan408: Stop your homophobic rant or you will have to be removed from the channel
[08:55] <kc8hfi> aunt jemima, pretty little pancake queen
[08:55] <dan408> evilbob: thanks for reminding me to put you back on ignore
[08:55] <EvilBob> Even better, then you can't see my warnings
[08:55] <dan408> good luck on your election
[08:55] * magentar (~magentar@ip-178-202-22-38.unitymediagroup.de) has joined #fedora-social
[08:55] <EvilBob> Should work you back up to a release long ban in no time
Updated ignore switches for evilbob!@
[08:55] <dan408> * Updated ignore switches for evilbob!
[08:56] <fenris02> what a fucking tard.
[08:56] <mharris> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AbxQ2Q4HeU
[08:56] @fedbot mharris: Title: Sunshine on my shoulders: John Denver, Views: 610640, Rating: 99.139786%
[08:57] * spoleeba (~|Jef|@fedora/Jef) has joined #fedora-social
[08:58] <j_dulaney> Yo, spoleeba, come to join the crap throwing?
[08:59] <spoleeba> uhm... i just got back from shanghai.... the great firewall of china has left me blissfully ignorant of pretty much everything for the past 10 days
[08:59] <j_dulaney> Noice
[08:59] <dan408> how was the air?
[08:59] <mharris> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU
[08:59] @fedbot mharris: Title: Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy, Views: 11581634, Rating: 99.333134%
[08:59] <spoleeba> dan408, air?
[08:59] <dan408> yeah?
[09:00] <dan408> i've heard it stinks there
[09:00] <dan408> the air quality
[09:00] * fenris02 sends stabby mcstabby over to mharris' garage
[09:01] <spoleeba> dan408, its not great....and its not greatness stretches on and on... an hour on the bullet train outside of town and the smog was just as bad
[09:01] <dan408> yep
[09:02] <spoleeba> all i know is..that's a hell of a long way for me to go to get a KK doughnut
[09:02] <dan408> why did you go to china?
[09:02] <dan408> business?
[09:02] <spoleeba> to get a KK doughnut
[09:02] <dan408> really dude?
[09:02] <fenris02> takes 10 days. it's really good
[09:03] <spoleeba> well that's why i went...that's not why the american tax payers paid for my trip
[09:03] <dan408> that's peculiar
[09:03] <kc8hfi> Hmm, i might hafta go to china to get one of those donuts, especially if they are that good
[09:04] <dan408> uh
[09:04] <FranciscoD> kc8hfi: the next apac fudcon maybe in china
[09:04] <FranciscoD> ;)
[09:04] <dan408> http://locations.krispykreme.com/
[09:04] <dan408> am i missing something?
[09:04] <spoleeba> actually i went looking to see if I could find any linux pre-install machines for retail sale.....
[09:04] <spoleeba> nope
[09:04] <kc8hfi> i'm an american taxpayer, and I demand to know why in the heck did we send spoleeba to china jsut to get a effn KK donut!!!
[09:05] <fenris02> ~envy~
[09:05] <dan408> i went to china to try tiger penis.
[09:05] <dan408> it wasn't worth the trip.
[09:05] * kc8hfi had a hard time typing that without laughing
[09:06] * fenris02 is noting why dan408 is so focused on making anti-gay comments
[09:06] <dan408> uh
[09:06] <dan408> that is not an anti-gay comment
[09:06] <fenris02> no, you're just penis focused
[09:06] <dan408> i guess you never watched the CNN special on what they eat in china and what are delicacies with Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
[09:07] <dan408> he actually tries it
[09:07] <aTypical> Dr. Gupta likes penis... Or so I've heard. :-P
[09:07] <dan408> wait wut?
[09:08] <dan408> i thought that was anderson cooper?
[09:08] <j_dulaney> Your mom likes penis
[09:08] <j_dulaney> Proof: You exist
[09:08] <aTypical> j_dulaney, not if she's gay.
[09:08] <dan408> wait, Sanjay Gupta is gay?
[09:08] <dan408> my dreams have come true.
[09:09] * Khaytsus likes his own penis
[09:09] <dan408> Khaytsus: can you reach?
[09:09] <j_dulaney> I have a big penis
[09:09] * Khaytsus tries to determine the amount of creepyness in dan408's question
[09:10] <dan408> LOLL
[09:10] <fenris02> firefox13 is out. and doesnt do abine. it can wait.
[09:10] <kc8hfi> cmd: firefox-12.0-1.fc15.x86_64
[09:10] <dan408> woopdeydoo
[09:10] * j_dulaney (~j_dulaney@nc-67-232-29-28.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has left #fedora-social
[09:10] <mharris> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcA9LIIXWw
[09:10] @fedbot mharris: Title: Culture Club - Karma Chameleon, Views: 20360468, Rating: 98.47581%
[09:11] <dcr226> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM8Ss28zjcE
[09:11] @fedbot dcr226: Title: Queen - I Want To Break Free (High Quality), Views: 19608978, Rating: 99.23958%
[09:11] * fenris02 blames mharris
[09:11] <dan408> aTypical: he's married with 3 kids btw
[09:11] <kc8hfi> i want to fly away..yeah yeah yeah
[09:12] <aTypical> dan408, LIKE THAT MEANS ANYTHING.
[09:12] <dan408> whatever.
[09:12] <dan408> i have a hot today.
[09:12] <dan408> with momma sugar. not sugar momma.
[09:12] <mharris> fenris02: restart it
[09:12] <fenris02> mharris, hm?
[09:12] <mharris> Every new firefox release it says abine doesn't work, but if you restart it, it works fine
[09:12] <fenris02> mharris, you have ff13 already ?
[09:12] <fenris02> ahhh
[09:13] <tatica> http://imgur.com/gallery/J5Yg7
[09:13] <mharris> I've been using firefox 13 beta for 2 weeks and now have switched to Aurora, abine works fine on all of them here
[09:13] <mharris> but, I've had firefox say abine was incompatible on update in the past, and then after another restart it works fine. Didn't even have to go and re-enable it.
[09:13] * x_ wonders if dan408 's obsession with gays is a 'tell'?
[09:13] <dan408> what is the deal with going from firefox 3 to firefox 13 in like less than 2 years?
[09:13] * ninan (~ninan@business-092-079-142-010.static.arcor-ip.net) has joined #fedora-social
[09:14] <mharris> IMHO it's a bug in abine, but I filed a bug report previously and the devs just hand waved it
[09:14] <kc8hfi> These are not the bugs you are looking for.
[09:14] <fenris02> mharris, nope. no abine now on ff13.
[09:14] <dan408> x_: date today is of the opposite sex.
[09:14] <dcr226> dan408, are you gay?
[09:15] <dan408> no.
[09:15] <x_> Why does that sound like it's a change from the usual?
[09:15] <fenris02> dan408, he'll say "no" but he means "yes"
[09:15] <dcr226> what about your boyfriend?
[09:15] <dan408> he's not gay either.
[09:15] <dcr226> prison rules
[09:15] * fedbot sets mode: +b dan408!VICODAN@bitchx/fedora/vicodan
[09:15] <dcr226> gotya
[09:15] * You were kicked by fedbot (You were warned - don't take the bait, EvilBob)
[09:15] * Attempting to rejoin channel #fedora-social
[09:15] * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
[09:15] * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
[09:15] * Rejoined channel #fedora-social

As you can see:

A) I was singled out
B) He overstepped his boundaries

Thanks for your feedback!

irc nick = dan408 / VICODAN

My 2cents, FWIW:

1) I'm not sure I agree with the initial ban. Many other folks were talking about the subject and baiting the reporter about it when they knew he had been warned about it. A kick or short quiet might have helped here. Or more even warnings to have everyone else stop too.

2) I'm troubled by the ban evasion and tone of this report.

From my side, I would be happy to have a promise to not evade bans and to do better.

Thakns Kevin,

Yes, other folks were talking about the ban, and I was responding to direct questions and I did heed EvilBob's warning so I was very surprised and angered by the ban.

1) I felt targeted directly by EvilBob
2) I would like to be reassured that EvilBob will no longer target me.
3) I promise not to ban evade ever again.
4) I want to know what action, if any will be taken against EvilBob.

other folks were talking about the subject*

Replying to [comment:3 vicodan]:

Thakns Kevin,

Yes, other folks were talking about the ban, and I was responding to direct questions and I did heed EvilBob's warning so I was very surprised and angered by the ban.

You responded to him by telling him you were going to ignore him.

That doesn't sound like "yes, sorry, I'll stop" to me.

1) I felt targeted directly by EvilBob
2) I would like to be reassured that EvilBob will no longer target me.

Sorry you feel that way. Perhaps you could meet him half way and stop from your side?

(See: subject of this ticket, the "learn how to ban" comment, etc).

3) I promise not to ban evade ever again.

Thats good.

4) I want to know what action, if any will be taken against EvilBob.

I don't see where any is warranted. He was policing the channel and felt that you had stepped over the line.

What action(s) are you looking for? Can you see things from his point of view?

Anyhow, I'll let others chime in now, I've given my 2 cents.

We discussed this at last weeks meeting. No action at this time.

Login to comment on this ticket.
